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Is it actually worth it?

Posted: 23 Nov 2018, 23:20
by Phantom
With all the bad press VAEO has got with the Hawk is the module actually worth purchasing?

Re: Is it actually worth it?

Posted: 24 Nov 2018, 08:53
by Neil Willis
It is the bad penny of DCS World, but I would say that reputation is a little undeserved. It isn't, and never will be up to the standards of the A-10C or Hornet, but it is still a reasonably worthwhile module.

I have had it from the beginning, and it has been fraught with bugs and issues, mostly due to the original design of the software being at odds with upgrades to the core game causing real problems. It has been subject to a re-write to comply with copyright protection software, and to make the code more compliant with the core software, however, and is a much more stable module as a result.

So, would I recommend it? It depends on what you need. The best training airframe is the L-39C, and that would be my first choice as long as Russian instrumentation is not an obstacle. There is also the C101, which is still incomplete too but contains more modern and sophisticated instrumentation. However there is only one UK specific airframe in DCS World, and that is, of course, the Hawk. Just don't expect it to be problem free, but it is improving and should become a much more reliable aircraft soon.

Re: Is it actually worth it?

Posted: 24 Nov 2018, 09:52
by Flyco
I find it fun for flying aeros and low-level, but I couldn't put it much higher than that, and I haven't flown it recently. It is limited, and certainly not likely to be a major participant in any multi-player scenario, except possibly for formation aeros.

As genuine 2-seater, it might be useful for weapons training, but, as Neil says, the L-39, is a better bet, although I do not find it as much fun as the Hawk - Strange!

Re: Is it actually worth it?

Posted: 25 Nov 2018, 21:22
by chew
Seen this on there FaceBook page

Dear VEAO Customers,

We regret to inform you that we are ceasing development of all DCS modules effective immediately. This was a very difficult decision to make - our aim was always to provide high quality content and support for the DCS platform, however due to reasons beyond our control, continuing to partner with Eagle Dynamics is no longer a viable option for us.

We want to thank all of you who supported us and our products and we apologise for any disappointment this announcement may have caused. We are so lucky to have been a part of this amazing community for the past thirteen plus years, and are very sorry that our time as a business has come to an end.

Thank you once again,

Chris, Pete + VEAO team

Re: Is it actually worth it?

Posted: 25 Nov 2018, 22:21
by Matt
I just saw this on Facebook, it's a shame but to be honest not too unexpected with VEAO in recent months having openly said they were moving away from DCS.

Re: Is it actually worth it?

Posted: 26 Nov 2018, 14:37
by Neil Willis
I feel they have let us down in this. They still have my payment for the P-40. I am quite annoyed they have dropped out at this late stage.