Test thread

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Peter Stacko

Test thread

Post by Peter Stacko »

NOTE:This is just an early draft version. Any suggestions or corrections are very welcome.

I. Register yourself on the website.
  • Registering yourself on the website provides you with access to many functions, such as logging your flights, monitoring progress of your training etc.
II. Register yourself on the forum.
  • Registering yourself on the forum will allow you to introduce yourself to the community and give you access to all the knowledge within the RAFAIR.
III. Setup your forum signature.
  • Within the RAFAIR, you will advance in ranks and earn awards as you progress in your career and prove your prowess on the battlefield. It is essential to learn how to set up your forum signature to reflect this. This is done in the profile section of the user control panel. The images and links required to construct your very own forum signature can be found here.
IV. Download and install Teamspeak.
  • It is virtually impossible to carry out any highly coordinated and real-life resembling operation without a tool to facilitate communication among the pilots. In the RAFAIR, we use Teamspeak for this purpose. Bookmarking [url=ts3server://]the RAFAIR UK Teamspeak server[/url] will allow you to access the server easily. This can be done via the main menu – Bookmarks/Add to Bookmarks.
V. Change your in-game and teamspeak nickname.
  • For easier identification (i.e. air traffic controllers) and displaying allegiance to RAFAIR UK, we use a standardized version of both in-game and Teamspeak nicknames including RAFAIR tag and pilot number e.g. 38 Peter [RAFAIR UK]
    In Teamspeak, go to Settings/Identities to change the name. In DCS World Multiplayer, go to Options.
VI. Install Aries software.
  • In order to have the most immersive and realistic experience possible, Aries Radio is used with Teamspeak to allow communication of people who have the radio set to the same frequency. Make sure you follow the installation manual carefully, especially the steps requiring “Run as Administrator”. Make sure you set up your Teamspeak activation as push-to-talk (Settings/Options/Capture). Finally, configure the Aries using DCS World Configurator to set the activation buttons for all radios (VHF AM/FM, UHF).
VII. Download and install the RAFAIR UK aircraft liveries.
  • Each squadron within the RAFAIR proudly uses their own specific insignia and aircraft painting. Download the liveries to be able to use them in DCS World.
    JSGME version is also available to circumvent manual installation. JSGME allows for easy mod management despite DCS updates.
VIII. Download and print the radio frequency cards for Aries.
  • To minimize the hassle of changing frequencies while using Aries, we have constructed UHF and VHF tables with default pre-set channels of the A-10C. Frequency cards for other aircraft can be found in the topic.
IX. Download the charts of the home airports of RAFAIR UK.
  • In order to correctly interpret the orders received from a ground, tower and approach operator, you need access to airport charts with parking slot, taxiway and runway designations, as well as TACAN and ILS information.

    Familiarize yourself well with your new home, the squadron's homebase.
X. Download and familiarize yourself with 74th Squadron Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
  • Flying in an organized group with many people is very different from what you have probably experienced within DCS so far. Careful organization, hierarchy and standard procedures are required to prevent the mission from turning into a mess and hearing the flight lead saying “Guns, guns, guns…” as he strafes in frustration over his still parked flight members. You are expected to familiarize with the Standard Operating Procedures of the 74th Squadron and slowly start applying them in practice.
XI. Learn how to setup DATALINK for Squadron flights.
  • DATALINK is a useful tool for passing information to other pilots as well as general awareness of their position. It is necessary to be able to set it up properly to avoid confusion during a flight.
XII. Familiarize yourself with the concept of booking a flight and filing a PIREP after a flight.
  • In the RAFAIR, all members log the flights to keep track of their flight hours. The process is started with booking a flight in the main menu – Flights/Find a flight. Either find a flight with your name, or a spare one and press “Add to Bid”. Afterwards, you can file a PIREP documenting the flights hours, fuel, short description etc. For more information, refer to the documents describing booking a flight and filing a PIREP in more detail.
XIII. Initiate your basic weapon training.
  • Every pilot of the 74th Squadron must be able to carry out basic weapon deployment in order to be combat mission ready. It is essential to carry out the following training missions in a reasonable timeframe and submit the tracks. The leader of the squadron assesses the members’ capability by reviewing tracks the members submit and registers their progress.
XIV. Recommended reading.
XV. (Optional) Tacview.
  • It is often very difficult to realize what exactly is happening on the battlefield in the heat of a battle and what mistakes you have made as a consequence of poor situational awareness, decisions etc. While not mandatory, Tacview is a great tool to analyze your performance after the mission. Tacview records actions of all units on the battlefield and allows you to re-evaluate your decisions, thus greatly improving the learning process.
Last edited by Peter Stacko on 17 Feb 2015, 12:32, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Test thread

Post by Danny »

Brilliant post mate, much easier to navigate for new guys, and better than my effort.

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Neil Willis
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Posts: 2949
Joined: 27 May 2014, 14:44
Location: West Midlands

Re: Test thread

Post by Neil Willis »

Good stuff Peter, I'll copy and post it onto the forum main page.

Thanks for the work you have put into it.

Group Captain Neil Willis - RAF Air UKImageImage


Re: Test thread

Post by Chilts »

Superb Peter. I've already delved in to learn stuff!


David Lindau

Re: Test thread

Post by David Lindau »

nice one


Re: Test thread

Post by Jim.Hall »

Great post!

nice one Peter!


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