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To all future mission builders/planners

Posted: 09 May 2020, 08:43
by Shaggy
Hi all.

Over the last couple of weeks, we in the XI(F) have really been working hard at learning all the other systems that the F14 comes with. We still have a long way to go to be come fluent in each system, however id just like to let the mission builders know that we can carry out the following tasks for any future missions that are built.

CAP Patrol in lieu with Nav Grid (F14's limited SA display)

Focused Area Situation BRA Callouts from high altitude in lieu with AWAC's Datalink and Nav Grid.

SEAD, Yes we have discovered we have quite an effective JSOW type decoy missile that the SAM's like to waste all their missiles at! Our missile does not destroy the radar unit, but without the missiles they cant launch anything at the A10's!

High level laser guided bombing and buddy lasing capability with the Lantern. Note, we cannot change the ordnance laser codes once in the air.

Precision laser guided loft bombing, for low and dirty below radar approaches. I dont think anyone can get in and out quicker than us!

Hope this info helps in any future mission's that are being built.

Re: To all future mission builders/planners

Posted: 09 May 2020, 09:57
by Paul(Dragon)0043
SEAD, Yes we have discovered we have quite an effective JSOW type decoy missile that the SAM's like to waste all their missiles at! Our missile does not destroy the radar unit, but without the missiles they cant launch anything at the A10's!
I like the sound of that statement, :D

Re: To all future mission builders/planners

Posted: 09 May 2020, 13:20
by Mutley
Shaagy you keep on going like this iam gona need a new Pad of Promotion Forms , now wheres that duty clarke and bring a oder form

Re: To all future mission builders/planners

Posted: 06 Sep 2020, 08:15
by Father Cool
Also in addition the bombcat is also very effective at CCIP/CCRP bombing without lantirn intervention!

Re: To all future mission builders/planners

Posted: 06 Sep 2020, 10:06
by Flyco
The problem isn't so much that the F-14 is good at dropping things. The real problem is that no other aircraft we have is as good as "dropping" Red fighters!

As a (mainly) A-10C driver I say keep the F-14 on CAP - Sorry!

Perhaps when we get the F-16's back or more F-18s flying regularly, I might look more favourably on your (understandable) complaints, and give you a LL airfield attack or so in my missions.

Re: To all future mission builders/planners

Posted: 06 Sep 2020, 12:11
by Mutley
We can do both thou Alan , 4 x bombcats 4 x AA Cats

Re: To all future mission builders/planners

Posted: 06 Sep 2020, 17:15
by john (scooby)
Not a complaint Alan. Merely a gentle reminder that we are genuinely multirole and keen to take on some extra roles too at some point.
The ability to carry 18 mk82s at mach 1.1 on the deck with 21k lb of fuel EACH is an ability not to be sniffed at

Re: To all future mission builders/planners

Posted: 06 Sep 2020, 19:42
by Flyco
Any idea what your CEP is with a dumb bomb delivered at Mach 1.1?

Re: To all future mission builders/planners

Posted: 06 Sep 2020, 20:11
by john (scooby)
Flyco wrote: 06 Sep 2020, 19:42 Any idea what your CEP is with a dumb bomb delivered at Mach 1.1?
CEP? i personally havnt dropped at low level while supersonic but itd be interesting to test it

Re: To all future mission builders/planners

Posted: 07 Sep 2020, 07:58
by Flyco
Sorry, CEP stands for Central Error Probable. It is defined as the radius of a circle into which 50% of bombs dropped (from height) may be expected to land.

Strictly speaking it is only valid for high level deliveries (V-force etc), but it is (or was) a standard measure, used for testing, deciding on aircraft/bombs required, and estimating likelihood of success. It also assumes a perfect pilot/bomb aimer.

For low-level deliveries it becomes an ellipse, spread in the direction of flight. For an F-18 at 520 kias, 350 ft agl, I have generally found that my cross track error (CCIP) is around 20 ft, but the along track error is nearer 200-400 ft. In theory, it should be better using CCIP, but I haven't tried it - I like pressing the button!