BLG-66 Belouga Weapons Training

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BLG-66 Belouga Weapons Training

Post by Matt »

BLG-66 Belouga Weapons Training

Here is a mission I have created for BLG-66 Belouga practice in the Mirage 2000C.

BLG-66 Belouga's utilize the CCIP bombing. The BLG 66 Belouga is a French air-launched cluster bomb. The Belouga carries 152 66 mm bomblets which are of three types: general purpose fragmentation for use against vehicles, parked aircraft and dumps; HEAT for use against AFVs; interdiction for use against airfields, harbors and marshalling yards.

Delayed fusing doesn`t work with BLG 66 and BAP-100, so you have to set on contact-fusing on your bomb fusing panel (switch to upper position).

Your target is located at the "Crossed" airfield south of Kobuleti, it is made up of 20 varying ground targets some heavy armour and some unarmoured. your aircraft is located on the ramp at Kutaisi, you are fully loaded up with BLG-66 Belouga's and countermeasures.

Below is the Video tutorial for CCIP Bombing for anyone unfamiliar with the procedure.

Mirage M2000C CCIP Bombing Tutorial
[youtube] ... z6pAKqIe-h[/youtube]
RAF Air Mirage Weapons training BLG 66.miz
(70.9 KiB) Downloaded 270 times
Air Commodore Matt Purnell - RAF Air UK
CO 1(F) Squadron

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