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F-16C Block 50 Documents

Posted: 09 Feb 2020, 08:32
by maggsy
I have sourced some original documentation for the F-16C Block 50 (from the US Govt free to use documents) as well as some produced for Benchmark sims the people responsible for Falcon 4.0 BMS, I have contacted the guys at BMS and asked permission to use their documents on our web page, if or when I get permission I think we can use some fantastic resources to form the foundation for a F-16C OCU.
Before we get too far ahead, the DCS F-16 is still very early access and whilst fun to fly it does come with many "quirks" and in my opinion only just serviceable in missions when compared to the other A/C we deploy. I/we are very lucky that the leadership and the mission makers have included this into several RAF Air missions but until DCS develop it a bit further it should remain an "interesting" side note.
But I am nothing but eager and if we can get some foundations in place I am sure that the F-16C can become a vital asset in our arsenal. So having good documents to build the training syllabus upon is as good a place to start.
Whilst I will not ask RAF Air UK to repoduce other peoples works without there permission I can post a link so you can access it yoursleves
Be warned some of these documents are heavy reading :) good bedtime tomes if you need to get to sleep. In the words of Mrs Maggs not a bodice ripper... not sure what she is saying there but nevermind I am a man. ... cument.htm
Thoughts and suggestions are always welcome

Re: F-16C Block 50 Documents

Posted: 09 Feb 2020, 10:32
by WilloUK
Thanks Maggsy
Liking the F16 may convert to this from the harrier
Cheers Willo