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Training - 2nd Nov.

Posted: 30 Oct 2021, 09:44
by 309 Geoff
As there is no formal mission on the 2nd, I've started to build a training mission for 97Sqn. I plan to have it ready for the 2nd, but the brief will not be as involved as previous outlines. RL having an influence on my time.
The goals are to trap a train, between two bridges that we have to destroy, and then destroy the train.
We take off from Maykop.
Transit at 2000ft to the valleys. Low level, and over the mountains.
Lead & No2 climb to 8000ft for a time on TOT bridge attack. Train is travelling North to South. Lead destroys Bridge South, stopping the train. No2 destroys Bridge North, so the Train cannot retreat.
No 3 attacks the train, at 1000ft with 12*Mk82's, or Guns.
Land at Kutaisi.
Mission is still undergoing development. I hope the train timetable is accurate.
I hope this is acceptable Paul.

Re: Training - 2nd Nov.

Posted: 30 Oct 2021, 10:52
by Flyco
A Balkan Train!! You'll be lucky if it arrives on the correct day!

I'm in all being well. Can you make it a steam train - I want to see the effect of 30mm on the boiler.

Re: Training - 2nd Nov.

Posted: 30 Oct 2021, 11:25
by 309 Geoff
Yes, it's steam.

Re: Training - 2nd Nov.

Posted: 30 Oct 2021, 13:27
by Paul(Dragon)0043
I've no problem with it Geoff, go ahead. Sounds like it will be a good mission.


Re: Training - 2nd Nov.

Posted: 31 Oct 2021, 10:05
by 309 Geoff
RL has taken a hit, because of the rain. The upside is that the miz and brief should be completed late today.

Would it be possible for you to add the miz to one of our RAFAIR servers? We will then be able to use SRS.

Flight allocation, if you agree, will be:-

Pontiac 1: Geoff. Primary TGT Bridge South. TOT 15:07:00 Z, or before 15:10:00Z
Pontiac 2: Paul. Primary TGT Bridge North. TOT 15:07:30Z, or before 15:11:00Z
Pontiac 3&4. Alan, & maybe Richard. Primary TGT Train, and all carriages. No TOT. (Alan wanted to attack a steam loco)

The above will make more sense after the brief has been circulated.

Re: Training - 2nd Nov.

Posted: 31 Oct 2021, 10:17
by Paul(Dragon)0043
Yep, I should be able to get the Miz onto one of the Rafair Servers, give me a link to it so I can D/L it to my sys, I will then transfer it to one of the Rafair servers.

Flight Allocation is ok.

I await your link.


Re: Training - 2nd Nov.

Posted: 31 Oct 2021, 21:13
by 309 Geoff
Here is the brief for Tuesday 2nd November.
Bridges & Train Strike.pdf
(2.45 MiB) Downloaded 103 times

Re: Training - 2nd Nov.

Posted: 01 Nov 2021, 14:28
by Flyco
Thanks Geoff.

I have a few points, mainly about weapons. All ac are using 151 rockets - I suggest 282 would be better for disabling a train. Also APKW would be better. Finally, use of 'dumb' Mk 82s against a train doing 30 mph + is going to be a problem - I presume you would prefer us to wait until the train comes to a halt - even then hitting a train with dumb bombs is going to be problematical.

Re: Training - 2nd Nov.

Posted: 01 Nov 2021, 17:06
by 309 Geoff
Alan, feel free to rearm. I cannot alter it now because Paul has the miz to add to one of our servers.
Mk82s will be problematic on a moving train, but could be used when it's stationary.

Re: Training - 2nd Nov.

Posted: 01 Nov 2021, 20:38
by 309 Geoff
Any update on adding our miz to the server>