892NAS Operational Fuel State Brevity

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892NAS Operational Fuel State Brevity

Post by Chris »

Operational Fuel state calls

These are brevity code verbal calls made to Flight Lead or from Lead to Command indicating a fuel state relative to the task or mission. They can cause confusion as implementation differs between gaming communities and indeed within RAFAir Squadrons.

US Army, Marine Corp, Navy & Air Force MULTI-SERVICE BREVITY CODES (ATP 1-02.1 - MCRP 3-30B.1 - NTTP 6-02.1 - AFTTP 3-2.5) define
JOKER Fuel state above BINGO at which separation or BUGOUT or event termination should begin.
BINGO Pre-briefed fuel state needed for recovery.

BINGO Fuel state needed for recovery
JOKER: Fuel state above BINGO at which separation/bugout/ event termination should begin.
It also mentions BINGO as Proceed/am proceeding to specified base (field) or carrier and STATE CHICKEN as I am at a fuel state requiring recovery, tanker service or diversion to an airfield.

892NAS will use these brevity words and definitions:-

JOKER: Fuel state above BINGO at which separation / bugout / event termination should be considered by the Flight Lead. It is calculated by ascertaining the fuel required to return from the furthest point of the route to home base and will include a 2000lb reserve and Combat or other allowance(s) task dependent.

BINGO: Fuel quantity required to make it back to base (or destination). It is calculated by ascertaining the fuel required to return from the furthest point of the route to home base and will include a 2000lb reserve .

CHICKEN: Fuel quantity required to make it DIRECT back to base (or briefed diversion field if shorter) from the furthest point of the route. Reserves are not included.
Kind Regards
Chris :)

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