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Posted: 23 Jul 2021, 10:31
by Chris

The RAF AIR Server is a physical PC running 4 separate dedicated virtual DCS server programs and 4 SRS hubs on separate IP addresses 24/7. It is supported financially by anonymous donation and managed by Neil Willis who incidentally absorbs the electric overhead.

IMO it is an underused resource at local squadron level hence I developed an easy accessible bespoke file loading and control processes. It is possible to upload any mission file direct to the appropriate RAFAIR server and have it running in 2 minutes. Anyone can do this you just need the right permissions, a little knowledge and the mission file named correctly. Simple or advanced squadron training missions, temp or permanent missions, any maps. WW2, Helos, idea tests, missions tests, mates missions yak on yak etc etc - use away :)

Default missions
All servers have a default mission running generic scenarios on various maps for general flying. There minimal interaction with RAFAir pilots as to future wishes, wants or developments, and I would suggest even less so from any Squadrons perspective. It would be nice if this could change and be driven from the floor so to speak. Any one is encouraged to write a default mission or their own or in conjunction with an experienced writer. Of course, you can change the default to a specific mission just change it back when done.

Default missions IMHO may be enhanced by using the F10 COMMS menu for better user interaction. Designers / writers perhaps consider:
  • having a manual restart F10 COMMNS option for when all the targets are shot or it is in a 12 hour night period
  • having several mission variants, say night - bad weather - strong wind as well as good weather selectable at any time by load mission F10 COMMS option
  • an auto time mission restart, say every 6 hours with warning.
  • Variable REDAIR or SAM threats selected via F10 COMMS option to cater for variable player numbers and skills.
  • We have plenty of MAPS - Caucasus, Nevada, Normandy, Persion Gulf, Syria, The Channel, Marianas and war theatres, WW2, Vietnam, Korea. Cold War, Ukraine, Iraq, Iran etc. It would be nice to develop them all and some having user selectable options either via F10 COMMS, Auto time, or Calendar driven.
Training missions
It is now easy to upload simple or complex missions for Squadron Training. Have a new one each week or have a library of favourites on the server that suit particular styles or needs. It takes 1 minute to load up a mission to the server and 20 seconds to start it using SLMod. Finished training? change back to Default - simples... It just takes imagination and a will… of course you can run your own servers full or part time but then why have both… to me it does not make too much sense.

MODs and Skins
There is a RAFAir UK required MOD and SKIN Pack and optional links, software and installation guides. It is here viewtopic.php?f=359&t=4597 They have been available for a long time and it makes sense for servers, clients & mission builders to use the same pack from the one source. They are updated on a regular basis. Despite this, repeatedly new and established pilots are being referred to Squadron or personal links for MODs and Skins rather than use the central pack. This can only cause problems but I retired from the police years ago. I can only reiterate what I feel is the sensible path.

The Server
All 4 servers may run generic missions for any DCS Map as desired and also may run specific small missions as desired by Squadron Commanders or groups. As a general minimum 2 servers will always be running default popular maps.
Access and Control
There are 3 levels of access and control with privileges designated by Neil Willis.

Level 1
Full remote access to server desktop, OS, software, settings etc currently held by Neil, Paul and Chris using time limited full access secure professional software.
Level 2
Access to Server Dropbox. Missions for the server are uploaded here and ‘GizzyApp’ installs these mission files to specific DCS servers and performs subsequent housekeeping with archiving, age deletion, syntax grading etc This level is available for anyone with level 1 access AND mission designers or competent SQN Commander or deputy. You cannot break anything.... ish :)
Level 3
SLMod server client side access which allow a pilot to load, change, restart, pause missions etc on any server. This level is for anyone with level 1 & 2 access AND SQN Commanders, their nominated pilots and and regular enthusiast server users. You cannot break anything.

How to USE
LEVEL 1 Instructions
Use this control method sparingly and not repeatedly as excessive use of the software will incur a monthly fee currently £40pm.
The software gives complete control of the server desktop and operating system. Using the task manager individual DCS & SRS servers may be stopped, started or rebooted. DCS server html config control for each server to be set for 1 default miz file only, no other miz files. ‘GizzyApp’ is an ‘exe’ and may only be stopped as a process from the task manager. On start, it must be set to run as an administrator. You have full control of the complete file system, take care and alter anything only as a last resort. NEVER shut down windows however Windows may be ‘restarted’ as a final fix to cure an outage. Remote connection will be lost but regained once the TV process auto starts and everything can be restarted.

LEVEL 2 Instructions
This function may be used as often as desired and is used to upload mission files tot he server. You will be given access to the Server Dropbox’s. Mission ‘Miz’ files need to be named with the correct syntax when placed in the Dropbox account. (see below)

‘GizzyApp’ checks this dropbox depository every minute and when a new file(s) is/are detected they are moved to the correct DCS server mission folder. Updates may be made as existing files of the same name are overwritten. Copies of all ‘Miz’ files are made and stored in an archive folder. Certain files are deleted when 14 days old. Text file lists showing available files on each server are updated and can be viewed at any time within the dropbox folder.

Once 'GizzyApp' has installed the mission files they are run, changed, reset etc at will at any time via SLMod.

Naming Convention Syntax. Miz files are to be named thus…

D00*.miz is for default files for each server - 1, 2, 3 & 4. Manually placed and configured by Level 1 control. Needs set up in DCS config for auto startup. Copied to archive. Never deleted for age.
P99-*.miz copied to servers 1 & 2. Uploaded via DBox. For permanent missions. Copied to Archive. Never deleted for age examples could be variants of D00*.miz say night, bad weather, crosswind etc
T99*.miz copied to servers 1 & 2. Uploaded via DBox. For normal RAF AIR JOINT Missions i.e. Tue. Copied to Archive. Deleted after 14 days. examples could be Tuesday missions
P01-*miz, P03-*miz, P11-*miz, P19-*.miz, P41-*miz, P60-*.miz, P92-*miz etc (Squadron Miz) Copied to Servers 3 & 4 Uploaded via DBox. Copied to Archive. Never deleted for age examples could be 892 & 11F Carrier Training
T01-*miz, P03-*miz, P11-*miz, P19-*.miz, P41-*.miz, P60-*.miz, P92*miz etc (Squadron Miz) Copied to Servers 3 & 4 Uploaded via DBox. Copied to Archive. Deleted after 14 days Examples could be ww2 missions, helo missions etc

LEVEL 3 Instructions (SLMod)
SLMod is simple to use. You need to be activated as an SLMod Admin by SQN COMD or Neil Willis. These should be pilots who are established in RAFAir and who use the servers frequently. In essence you only need to know a few basic commands.
-admin load returns a list of all available missions with a reference number at the start
-load 2 (for say number 2) will load that mission
-admin pause will pause the mission, -admin pause will unpause
-admin restart will restart the mission
-admin help will give a list of all commands

Get Paul, Neil, Shaggy or Chris to run you through this, it's easy... I am more than happy to help anyone who wants to use this system and is unsure - just ask...