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Re: Op Salamander Tues 25th May, Pilots needed

Posted: 25 May 2021, 17:00
by Jack Crammer

Re: Op Salamander Tues 25th May, Pilots needed

Posted: 25 May 2021, 17:47
by Phlash
Aand out tonight... daughter needs help with her accounts... New business... much confusion! :shock:

Re: Op Salamander Tues 25th May, Pilots needed

Posted: 25 May 2021, 18:10
by filthymanc
Hurrah for slow last minute DCS updates

Re: Op Salamander Tues 25th May, Pilots needed

Posted: 25 May 2021, 19:42
by Greyman
Sorry guys - update didn't take too long but then my graphics card decided it didn't want to be left out and started its own update. Just about done when I got called out. Apologies, was really looking foward to this.

Hope it went well and you again proved what the 97 can do...slick drills...quick kills... :twisted:

next time...

Re: Op Salamander Tues 25th May, Pilots needed

Posted: 26 May 2021, 05:56
by Paul(Dragon)0043
Yes it's a shame everything decided to update last minute for you. It wasn't a bad mission, unfortunately I got careless, got a bit low and got nailed by AAA, ejected safely though.

Re: Op Salamander Tues 25th May, Pilots needed

Posted: 26 May 2021, 10:27
by Flyco
Not too bad a mission, but lacking in any real threat or difficulty. I eventually got a SAM-2, 3 x ZSU-23s, 3 x BTR-80s and 3 x miscellaneous soft-skins. Also got 2 parked Mig-21s which did not show up in the Tacview - presumably only air-to-air count for aircraft kills.

The only Maverick I fired got swatted by a SAM. After that I stuck to LG M282s, which were very effective against everything they hit (out to 6 nm +), although there were no MBTs on our menu. As it was, I got bored and a bit low on fuel, so went home with Mavs, LGBs and M282s left.