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Re: OP Abii

Posted: 11 Mar 2022, 12:09
by Flyco
Final version attached. I will fly it this afternoon and get it to the planners this evening.

Any last minute points to me asap, please

I have hung some extra GBUs and Rockets on, but the basic mission uses just 12 Retarded bombs on a single run. At standard spacing these will cover a length of around 1100 yds. You will need to set up the profile before take-off. If you want to change any other element of your load-out feel free. We are max AUW for T/O.

The primary task is to take out the 3 specified target RW, Hangar and Fuel. Depending on how it goes and whether there is any enemy air opposition, we could try and look for other targets - notably anything left on the airfield, the two vehicle concentrations near the airfield and any passing convoys. However, these will require a climb to around 10,000 ft or the use of LGB Rockets. There is also the need to avoid flying into each other and so, if we decide to do this it will require good discipline - I propose we use the downwind to reposition for attacks along the general runway direction. Obviously if anyone is dropping bombs from height we need to be aware of that.

Re: OP Abii

Posted: 11 Mar 2022, 13:33
by Richard Rodgers
I'm going to try this again tonight but I have every confidence that you have the plan nailed

Re: OP Abii

Posted: 11 Mar 2022, 15:33
by 309 Geoff
Looks fine. A few ground level WP heights have changed slightly. Some below, and some above GL. Could be DCS.

I guess I'm No3, against the fuel installation. It's length is 444ft. I'll change my spacing to 44ft for the 12 retarded bombs.

Mission could have been done at 10,000ft, but this is so much more of a challenge. To be truthful, I was getting a little bored with attacking at medium level on convoys of moving vehicles.

Icing on the cake would have been a TOT on the airfield, just at dawn. I will not be producing a video of our attack. You cannot see our aircraft.

Re: OP Abii

Posted: 12 Mar 2022, 00:04
by 309 Geoff
Here's an 80sec video of a single pass against the fuel installation. Started with 6 laser rockets, followed by 2000 gun rounds, and finishing with 12 MK82 air ballute bombs. Still two fuel tanks standing.

Edited once. Forgot to add the video link.

Re: OP Abii

Posted: 12 Mar 2022, 07:22
by Paul(Dragon)0043
Hi guy's, sorry it late, I thought I'd posted I'd be attending this one on page one of this thread, obviously it didn't send properly, because its not there.

So to confirm, I will be doing this mission on Tuesday Evening.


Re: OP Abii

Posted: 12 Mar 2022, 08:41
by 309 Geoff
Paul(Dragon)0043 wrote: 12 Mar 2022, 07:22
So to confirm, I will be doing this mission on Tuesday Evening.

Does that mean your internet has been upgraded?

Re: OP Abii

Posted: 12 Mar 2022, 10:27
by Paul(Dragon)0043
Yes it has, I'm getting at last speedtest, 37Mb/s down and 7 Mb/s up thats betters than the 3 mb/s down(if I was lucky) and less than 1Mb/s up, I was getting before on the copperline.

So very happy at moment, and hopefully the Apache won't be to far off now.


Re: OP Abii

Posted: 12 Mar 2022, 18:33
by Wee Neal 0414
Yaaah Pauls back at 100% :D

Re: OP Abii

Posted: 13 Mar 2022, 14:41
by Flyco
The final brie for Op Abii is attached. It is a little verbose, so, after reading it, I recommend you make a note of the salient points for use in-flight.

We seem to have 4 ac and 4 pilots. I propose that I lead, Richard No2, Geoff No3, and Paul No4. If anyone has any questions or observations please raise them here as early as possible, so that we can make, and promulgate, any necessary changes in good time.

It is complex, and so I suggest that you make notes for your personal in-flt use about the critical points.

Re: OP Abii

Posted: 14 Mar 2022, 16:18
by Flyco
Following Geoff's observation about the inability to kill the Fuel Tanks and Hangars, I took a run at them and confirmed their immortality. I suggest that we stick to the original plan and count it a pyrrhic victory. I also suggest that to salve our feelings somewhat, we go for some of the things in the area that are 'killable'.

To this end I have included the co-ordinates of the 2 AFVs collections on the airfield boundary (on attached Pre-Flt Brief). After our main run and our turn right onto 270, I suggest we climb to 6000 ft, and, abeam WP 7, we turn in to hit them from west to east - repeating as necessary. No1 and 2 will take the group to the south, and 3 and 4 can take the group to the north. There is also some tank activity along the road just to the NE of the field if anyone feels lucky. Just don't fly into each other - and, more importantly don't fly into me.

Don't go too far to the north or east of the field - there be "something nasty in the woodshed over there". Also keep an eye and an ear open for any Red fighters.

I have attached an updated Pre-Flt Brief with the co-ordinates included - the first set are to the north (Nos 3 & 4) and the second to the south (Nos 1 & 2). I have also attached my personal knee-pad crib-sheet, in case anyone else is as confused about WPs and heights as I am.