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Post by 0405 Andrew »

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The Syrian rebels have been pushed back to the area around Al Rami .
Syrian Rebels have a salient cutting the railway line from supplying Northern Syria, this is impeding supply to the Aleppo front.
UN Resolution 1871 was adopted by the Security Council. Russia will stop supplying weapons and material to the Assad regime.
Russia has been resupplying Syria through the port at Latakia and Tartus.
An ultimatum has been given to Russia, stop supplying weapons and material or the coalition will deny the ports to you and will halt movements.
The ultimatum passed and UN Resolution 1893 was adopted by the Security Council. Action has been ordered to halt the supply of arms and material to the Assad regime by direct action against Russian forces in Western Syria. President Putin’s bluff has been called.

Coalition action
A coordinated attack will be made on Russian infrastructure in western Syria. The bases of Tartus, Khmeimim AB (Al Assad), the port of Latakia and road bridges will be hit. A Russian force pushing East in the direction of Al Rami will also be halted.
The Russian navy is moving assets into the region from the Western Mediterranean, these must be stopped from interfering with today’s attack.

Russian forces
Russian forces are on alert and are ready to defend themselves from UN forces. See miz file for general defences, but assume that IR manpads are in the theatre.
Please see miz file and Frag. The area of operation is compact. When flights have been added to the miz please check overlaps of flight plans and de-confliction of flights will be handled by radio calls.
Please return flights by Saturday 8th Oct.

Links that may be of interest

https://www.defenceview.in/inside-russi ... ase-syria/
http://www.hisutton.com/Russian-Navy-Ba ... Syria.html

Server / mission timing
The server will start at 19.30 Real life time, the mission will be checked that it is running correctly. Departures will start at around 20:10 real life Approximately 40 mins after server start.
Please see FRAG for departure and TOT's.
Resolution v1.miz
(1.79 MiB) Downloaded 56 times
Resolution v1 RAFAIR-FRAG.pdf
(570.05 KiB) Downloaded 59 times
Resolution v1 RAFAIR-FRAG.ods
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Tuesday Mission group lead
"Andrew, you are right"
Flyco: 28 Jul 2021, 12:50
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Post by 0405 Andrew »

Squadrons please post numbers here:

1F: 4-6

3F: 5 (+1 possible)

CAW 892: 6 confirmed 1 Tentative - script 2x 4 F18's - 4pm 07 OCT 22
CAW 809: 3 confirmed 1 Tentative - script 1x 4 F14's - 4pm 07 OCT 22

97 Sqn: Looks like 3 to date

664 Sqn:

41F: 10

Tuesday Mission group lead
"Andrew, you are right"
Flyco: 28 Jul 2021, 12:50
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Post by 0405 Andrew »

The mission will be run on RAF Air Server 1 and SRS 1.

There will be a short general brief starting at 19.30 prompt. Individual squadron briefs will follow.

The server will start at 19.30 but please join between 19.40 and 20.00 to give the server time to load and settle.
We have maybe 30 pilots flying and don't want to stress the server with a massive pile on all at once!

Tuesday Mission group lead
"Andrew, you are right"
Flyco: 28 Jul 2021, 12:50
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Post by 0405 Andrew »

Squadron routes.
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"Andrew, you are right"
Flyco: 28 Jul 2021, 12:50
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Post by Roon »

After Action Report 41(F)Sqn

After briefing and startup, taxy and takeoff were on time and SOP in two elements - 4 SEAD and 6 bombers headed for Tartarus harbour.

Formation was good throughout in offset card. A scramble of Mig 29s caught the rear element as they launched within 20 miles of the route and very little time was available to recognise and react to the threat - both 29s were shot down but two aircraft were lost. The element reformed with Springfield 7 taking element Lead.

Some groundfire was reported back through the formation allowing rear elements to avoid AAA at various places on the route.

The front SEAD element lofted 16 AGM154 cluster weapons at the port air defences and managed to swamp the AAA, SA15 and SA10, with two of the 16 getting through but forcing the SA15s to empty their tubes allowing the attack on the shipping to succeed. A number of ships were destroyed.

Post attack the formations went defensive against the enemy missile cruiser and other threats at extremely low level across the sea until beyond all threats. 30Nm from Incirlik the Sqn returned to ATC frequency and called in BDA for approach for VRIAB on 05, allowing a fuel emergency to take priority for straight in approach.

The remaining 8 aircraft performed an SOP VRIAB to land and taxied in to startpoint parking.

An enjoyable mission, our thanks to Andrew as ever for his work, well done mate, a thumbs up from us all round. It was nice to see the other Sqn's in action around the airfield - the A10's holding politely at the threshold pan and also the F16's immaculate taxy formation to the runway. The SA allowed us to keep tabs on most of the AO during our flight and I must say it's starting to look like it's coming together nicely on the flying front. 41Sqn doffs it's cap to you!
Sometimes stuff is supposed to fall off....sometimes not.
I still can't be sure which... :?

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Post by Alien »

CAW After Action Report ‘ Op Resolution ‘ 111022

809 NAS F14 allotted two aircraft for their CAP Mission’ Fleet Defence ‘ within this OP, It was felt however by higher command that this was inadequate as the fighter strength of the Admiral Kuznetsov Carrier Group was unknown therefore two F18’s from 892 NAS were seconded to 809.
The CAP wing was the first to launch followed by Enfield x 4 F18’s
After leaving the CV T.Roosevelt the CAP wing took up a BARCAP approx 50 miles South East of Akrotiri.
Only two SU33’s departed the Kuznetsov singularly and within 30 mins both were taken down and CAP remained in situ before recovering to Teddy for a CASE 3.

892NAS were tasked with destroying the Moskva which was located somewhere south of Beirut, she was escorting x two Rezny class Destroyers which were damaged.
Past experience told us that this was not going to be an easy task due to the Air Defence ( S300 Grumble ) ( CIWS ) on board the MOSKVA, therefore it was decided that the best chance of our ordnance ( AGM 84 D HARPOON actually hitting the Target was to deprive the MOSKVA of it’s inventory of missiles.
X 3 F18’s would loaded out with maximum TALDS X12 and x 1 F18 with maximum AGM 84D X4.
The TALDS would be launched at 30,000ft minus 40 miles from the Target , the pilots releasing these 2 or 3 at a time, they would then break left or right then turn back in and rinse and repeat until all TALDS had been released and en route, whilst this was happening the lone F18 which had anchored minus 50 miles would then get permission to attack with his HARPOONS, the idea being that the majority of missiles launched from the MOSKVA would be spent on the TALDS giving the x 4 HARPOONS a better chance of hitting the Target, suffice to say that this Tactic was successful and the MOSKVA was sunk.
Enfield returned to Akrotiri to refuel / rearm with HARPOONS and make a second strike which turned out to be not needed, however it was executed followed by a recovery to the Teddy.
Recovery to Teddy was CASE 3 with all aircraft landing safely on deck. Followed by TACVIEW debrief.

A very enjoyable mission and good to see RAFAIR SQDN’s in the air again.
Good effort Andrew, well done mate. Thankyou for the time you’ve put in. Klmf.
Shane Cowan callsign: 'ALIEN' - RAF Air UK

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Post by Richard Rodgers »

97 Squadron Report

Unfortunately, Alan had tech issues from the start and had to pull out last night so only Paul and I completed the mission.

An uneventful startup. I called for taxi to the pan just short of 05 feeling that the closer we were to the active would give us the best chance of launching on time after the F18s & F16s. Airfield comms from the three sqns on the base was excellent. Great watching you guys taxy past and heading out.

We launched 10seconds late but had made that time up before we hit WP3

97 were tasked with attacking an SA-15, SA-8 & ZSU at the port and also any shipping targets within the Harbour N & S area. Paul took the SA-8 whilst I took the SA-15. I was prepared to fire two, maybe three MAV-D at it as they have a habit of shooting down a lone MAV, but whether it's crew were on a tea break I don't know as it never even attempted to lock me up. Fired one which caught the fence just in front of it so then took it out from different angle. Paul took the 8 out and moved onto the ZSU.

Further targets were taken out or badly damaged around the port area.

Headed to home once weapons expended. I have no idea what happened at about 15nm from the AO but I lost my port engine. No flashes or bangs, just spooled down with a fire warning. Intresting flight home in the dark, but both got back safe & sound.

Good mission Andrew and excellent planning, as usual, from Alan. Thank you guys
Gp Captain Richard Rodgers - RAF Air UK
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Post by Boos »

Nice mission Andrew!

Enjoyed it right up 'til my game crashed. Enjoyed looking at the tacview watching everyone go off on their part of the mission.

There might have been a problem with the red carrier air. We took out two singletons but I noticed there was a aircraft left on the deck in tacview. Perhaps it didn't take off as it was supposed to?
Daniel callsign: 'Boos' - RAF Air UK

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Post by 0405 Andrew »

It was great to see so many flying yesterday, we had 32 in total! Personally it made DCS for really alive, it was great looking back over my shoulder and seeing the A10's and F16s waiting for take off.

The planning from all squadrons was great and I could tell some time and effort had gone in to this, I know CAW spent a lot of time working out how to take out the Moskva. I'm glad you all had a lot of fun executing your plans. These missions can't run without active squadron planners, well done everyone.

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"Andrew, you are right"
Flyco: 28 Jul 2021, 12:50
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Post by Plexi »

After Action Report: 1(F) Legion Flt.

We were a 4 ship and tasked to take out 4 Bridges and Enemy Tech and convoy of Trucks.
Took off from HMS Invincible on time but arrived at the A/O 6 minutes early so went in a hold around a lake North of the Harbour and watched some f16's doing there thing.
Rolled in from W/P 2 and headed N/E up the road towards the Bridges. Weather and them pesky Tunguskas kept us low and forced us to use a pop up attack.
On reflection probably not the best of choices as we took a hit almost immediately knocking out Legion 4 but not before he managed to get his bombs off and hit the first bridge. I was next and had two runs both hitting the bridge and railway track. Legion 2 also hit his bridge but took a hit and went into the deck in a rather spectacular show of tracer and flares. Looked great from my cockpit! Legion 3 had direct hit on his bridge as well. We were a little dismayed to see all the bridges still standing but somewhat happy that we at least inflicted some serious damaged. Myself and Legion 3 then ran back up from W/P 2 looking for Convoys x 3 and any hard tech of which we had some success. I then took a hit and slowly lost all hydraulics and control surfaces so was unable to climb above some rather tall tree's and hit them. Legion 3 made it back to Hatay after a resounding success and some splendid flying.

Was a great mission Andrew we all enjoyed it so thank you very much an exciting night's flying.
Squadron Leader
Peter "Plexi" Sumner
RAF Air UK - 1(F) Sqn


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