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Re: 2.7 Update News

Posted: 28 Oct 2021, 13:00
by Neil Willis
Open Beta

DCS World

Overcast & rain 3 seems to have no rain or rain effects in it - fixed.
F10 map Icons could disappear - fixed.
ME. GUI controls disappear when polygon line width = 1 - fixed.
ME. Add Thickness 0 for polygons without border.
AI Ka-50 flying in a crosswind is unable to shoot - fixed.
ME. MLRS in Zone Trigger causes script error - fixed.
AI F-14 crashes the game - fixed.
Piston engined aircraft - fix crash in cases where aircraft is removed before control is taken
ME warehouse. Unable to find '9M120' or 'AT-9' in the list of available AGMs or AAMs - fixed.
WCMD CBUs ballistic data upgrade (bomblets chute).
Dedicated server. Fixed "ban forever" function.

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

JSOW training mission correction.
JDAM training mission correction - JDAM hitting tree.
Carrier Taxi and Takeoff mission correction.

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

Bullseye corrections:
When the FCR cursor is hovered over a bugged target, the bearing and range is now correct.
When a contact is in a full, single target track, the bearing could be backwards. This is now corrected.
HSD cursor bullseye information could be incorrect.
Text overlays Bullseye symbol in A/G Radar.
Air-to-Ground Radar corrections:
Twitching with a frozen image in GM EXP/DBS mode.
MAN and AUTO scale mode selection.
Radar DSB2 images in FRZ could disappear.
Radar scan volume will now move with the cursor in azimuth.
Removed A-G Radar scaled to 160NM with cursor.
Remove the PRF effect.
Added STT tracked targets to the HSD.
Fixed: Rudder authority when the rudder is damaged/removed.
Fixed: HMD default settings are not applied.

DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed: Petrovich AI moving aiming reticle of ATGM guidance unit sporadically away from marked point.
Fixed: Petrovich AI targets list menu blocked by ASO-2 panel interface menu, now they can’t be called at the same time.
Fixed: PKI aiming sight keyboard controls are too sensitive.
Fixed: DISS Drift indicator memory light does not work in english cockpit.
Aiming sights glass visuals refactoring

DCS: P-51D Mustang by Eagle Dynamics

Tail falls off too easily on landing without the tail wheel - fixed.

DCS: FW190D-9 by Eagle Dynamics

WGr. 21 can be fired with release solenoid unpowered - fixed.

DCS: FW190A-8 by Eagle Dynamics

Fix to electrical breaker setup that allows to fire inner and cowling guns independently.

DCS: Mosquito FB VI by Eagle Dynamics

TO assistance option is added.

DCS: SA-342 Gazelle by Polychop Simulations

Fixed: Sand filter mechanics caused engine shutdown.
Fixed: Laser rangefinder beam was visible using NVG’s.
Fixed: Old pilot models showed when further away.
Fixed: IR sight of Mistral version could track through terrain.

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

Fixed: C802AK/AKG disappeared after launch.
Known issue: C802AK seeker is still under fix with ED.

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

Fixed CV-59 Forrestal LSO position after x axis offset.
Jester LANTIRN: Fixed crashes on landing gear down in LDG mode.
Jester LANTIRN: Don't show the QDES option when QDES is not available.
Jester LANTIRN: Static aircraft are no longer dead to Jester.
Rearming with LANTIRN within 4 minutes from hot spawn will result in the pod being installed as pre-aligned.
Jester will monitor the LANTIRN pod switch when idle on the ground.
Fixed Jester "Set active" not working after disabling Jester from the menu.
Taught Jester that you do not need an ejection to climb up in life, even when spawning low.
Adjusted longitudinal handling.
Removed pitch up effect in the early stage of flaps deployment.
Adjusted flaps pitching moment at lower AOAs.
Boosted TF30 thrust at very low altitudes and airspeeds.
Increased F110 subsonic core thrust at low altitudes.
Adjusted landing gear drag.
Partial fix to AP altitude hold not engaging and holding properly (WIP).
Partial adjustment of AP gains and handling (WIP).
Fixed TACAN for Caucasus and PG CV-59 Case1 Quickstart Missions.
Updated Fear the Bones Teaser Mission by Reflected Simulations.
Updated Zone 5 Teaser Mission by Reflected Simulations.


DCS: MiG-21 Battle of Krasnodar Campaign by SorelRo:

Mission 1, 6, 9 and 10. Triggers and zones adjustments.
DCS: MiG-21bis Constant Peg Campaign by Bunyap Campaigns:

Updated player radio frequency presets.
DCS: F-14 Rising Squall Campaign by INVERTED

Mission 3 - Due to the AI traffic logic error of Liwa AFB, Aegis-4 is temporarily moved to Apron 01, and Aegis-4 will be activated after the player takes off. Please don't stay on the runway for too long to avoid AI traffic conflict.
DCS: UH-1H Worlds Apart 2025 Campaign by Low Level Heaven

Prevent mission from breaking due to pathfinding issues with Ground forces (Hans).
DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion campaign by Badger633

Missions 4,6,8 and 9 remove any red units left visible on map.
Missions 13. Correct fail a message.
Missions 10. Reduce size of ABE fail zone to account for pilots drifting south.

Re: 2.7 Update News

Posted: 18 Nov 2021, 19:00
by Neil Willis
Open beta

DCS World

AIM-120 AMRAAM seeker fixes and adjustments to be less susceptible to break lock conditions.
Added: H-6J/Wingloong preset payload.
Adjusted: PL-5EII performance and warhead.
Automatic white balance disabled due to incorrect colors.
AI aircraft make wild maneuvers to reform - fixed.
AI aircraft will be better at detecting targets against a bright sky, in contrast.
WWII AI aircraft take off faster in groups now.
9M120 missing from warehouse stores - fixed.
Ground AI. Broken vehicle formations fixed.
M270 MLRS Strange behaviour, firing at random locations - fixed.
VR. Missing now is a synchronous rotation animation of the Hind rotor - fixed.
ME. Fixed GUI error when trying to save (or start) the mission with Oval drawing in some cases.
Weapons. Added S-25-O HE aircraft rocket and payload variants.
Weapons. Added FAB-250-M62 GP bomb to various Russian/Soviet airframes's inventories.
Weapons. Eliminated the bombs collision when releasing from the Mosquito bombay.
GUI. Wrong MISSION window instead of REPLAY after getting message about version incompatibility - fixed.
GUI. Some GUI controls unavailable at 768 and 800 screen height. Fixed sizes and properties of widgets.
ME. Cannot click on trigger zones or initial points inside an airbase zone when airbase was selected - fixed.
Steam. User unable to launch DCS due to binary issue in steam - fixed.
GUI. Required Modules/Mods no longer listed before opening mission - fixed.
SA-5 (S-200). Adjusted launcher vertical angle, horizontal rotation speed, acquisition and target lock time, reloading time.
ATGM 9K120 Tandem HEAT model animation adjusted.
ME. Improve Figure table in DRAW panel. Adding tooltips and changing localization keys.
NTTR map. Creech. Collision during take-off and crossing by group of the runway - fixed.
NTTR map. Some planes collide when taking off from Echo Bay - fixed.
Syria map. Ercan. Traffic jam during takeoff - fixed.
AI helicopters. Helicopters have issues attacking ground targets with missiles - fixed.
AI helicopters. Collision of helicopters while passing the waypoint - fixed.
AI helicopters. The helicopter rolls out of the runway after landing - fixed.
AI helicopters. Helicopters collision during landing on an airfield.
AI helicopters. Part of the helicopter group remains at the airfield after landing for refueling - fixed.
AI aircraft. AI doesn't climb at optimum climb speed - fixed.
Weapons. SLAM (AGM-84E) launch cause CTD - fixed.
F10 map. Map drawn objects not cleared from memory after exiting mission - fixed.
MP. Changed the network protocol version. Old clients will not see new servers.

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics


Mark Point. This includes A-G radar, targeting pod, HUD, and fly over Mark Point creation. Mark Points are also indicated on the HSD that can be selected with the HSD cursor. HMCS Mark Point creation and datalink Mark Point sharing between team members will come later. Video.
GMT Mode. The Ground Moving Target (GMT) mode allows the detection and tracking of surface targets between 8 and 75 knots in Ground Moving Target Track (GMTT). Video.
AGR Mode. When in a visual attack mode through the HUD, the Air to Ground Ranging (AGR) mode is enabled to provide target ranging.
HTS/HAD Mode. The HARM Targeting System (HTS) and HARM Attack Display (HAD) allow the detection, classification, and targeting of surface radars without already known target locations.Remaining items such as the Expand mode,SEAD, MAN DED pages and HTS data link will come later in HTS development. Video.
HSD Cardinal Direction Markers.
Air-to-Air radar Intercept Cue.
Steerpoint Selection HOTAS

CMDS dispenser status lights brightness now controlled by MAL/IND switch
HMCS - when choosing DGFT, MSL, etc via HOTAS.
Range scale with cursor in TWS mode not working.
A/G radar DBS scans past gimbal limits.
A/G Radar still operates with WoW.
A/G Radar Bearing/Range indicator shows values >360° and <0°.
MGRS Conversion and edit.
Removal of LCD post effect on MPDs. Note that the displays can, in the meantime, be washed out and require gain, brightness, and contrast adjustment for a clear video picture. This will be adjusted for automatic video image adjustment.
Unable to exit standby if used in CRM
AG radar. Scan in blind zone

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

Adjusted overload limit to 10G
Fixed: Bomb Interval setting influences DL channel selection

DCS AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations


Right MPCD SYM switch not working
Reversed MPCD day/night button animation
Missing keybindings.
TPOD IR polarity change forces video to wide FOV without change in symbology
Countermeasures release command input is "stored" if release was inhibited, and executed later when possible.
EHSD Map Ground track button not working
BORT Numbers.
Turn rate performance (was previously overperforming in some conditions)

TPOD on station 2 and 6
Fuel dump graphical effect

Route selection is not cleared when deselecting ROUTE.
Engine MPCD displays missing elements.
M02 of the campaign (AWACS blocking the taxiway)
M01 of the Coup d'Etat campaign (unable to create a markpoint)
LAR calculation for GBU-32.

DCS M-2000C by RAZBAM Simulations


Emergency landing gear not reset after landing
Possibility to lower landing gear on belly

ALCM option in mission editor independent of enforce drift option
Added: TAF (GCI Datalink)

Default marker and missile volumes
MAJOR UPDATE: Full RDI Radar rework
New Modes and Features
Improved Interface
Detection and behavior are more realistic
Fully multi-threaded radar search
Improved IFF characteristics

A/A Master Mode functionality
More details at this forum thread: M-2000C Update Presentation

IMPORTANT: A lot of bindings have changed with this update (landing gear, trigger, antenna elevation commands, etc.), check everything before committing to a merge without the trigger command bound.

DCS JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations


AA radar consistent detection range with HI/MED/ILV prf setting
AA radar look down condition check
Remove alt info of contact in AA radar VS mode
AG radar designated SPI point should not be reset if out of antenna physical limitation
GMTI/SEA1 mode can have rbm render overlap on/off by MFCD U2 button
Enter AG EXP/DBS modes by enlarging the area around TDC, no longer need to designate a point in MAP mode first.


HSD shows AA hpt target and attack line
A dynamic RCS calculation based on swerling IV model
Rainy day or atom density at low alt could reduce radar detection range
More bindable inputs

AA radar detection performance
AG GMTI speed gate: L - 6 knots; H - 15 knots
DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev
Altimeter initializes correctly now at mission start, without having to move from 0 altitude to present altitude after mission unpause.
Adjusted VR stick sensitivity.
Adjusted the following sounds: map case open/close, mirror bump when reached one of its animation ends. Both sounds are now variable depending on movement speed.
Made the stick 'stop' sound volume dependent on stick movement speed.
Fixed the secondary DC bus logic: it will be turned off now when there is no GPU connected, engine is not started (generator is unavailable), and the “bus tie” switch is set to OFF.
Adjusted the volume of the DC bus noise at the external view (it is heard when a canopy is open).
AI and multiplayer client’s aircraft now have correct canopy sound.
The following sounds will now be heard in external view on a human-controlled multiplayer client’s aircraft: canopy, GPU and electric noise (the latter is heard when any of the two canopies is open).
Fixed rear canopy jitter in multiplayer.
Canopy position is correctly updated now on the multiplayer client’s aircraft after the second crew member left it.
Ladders are correctly synchronized now on the multiplayer client’s aircraft after the second crew member left it.
Fixed ladders jitter when the canopy is being opened/closed.
GPU multicrew status is correctly synchronized now, when its control is attempted from the rear cockpit.
IFR hood and NS430 display correctly now on external views, when the rear seat is left and then reoccupied again.
Eliminated IFR animation jitter on multiplayer client aircraft.
Rear multicrew pilot head animation updates now over the network.
Corrected excessive precession on the gyroscopes.
Fixed the bug where, on occasions, the gyroscope would invert itself when going through 90° of pitch.
Fixed the hardcoded error that made the gyros roll with the aircraft.
DCS: Black Shark 2 by Eagle Dynamics
AChS-1 seconds scale (small) moving too fast (2x) - fixed.
Corrected description for Rotor RPM warning push-light function (EN/RU PDF).
Low RPM push-button naming fixed.
"Patrol" single mission. Change to Scattered clouds preset 5 to make the mission playable.

DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics


9K113 ATGM guidance control unit gyroscopic stabilization modeling improved after new analysis and comments from SME. Leads to more stable operation within gyroscopic system limitations.
Petrovich AI flight routines improved including:
Nap of the earth flight
Vertical takeoff and landing (command by setting altitude to zero for landing and adding any altitude above zero for takeoff, in the interface. Note that Petrovich will put gear down/up automatically and hold brakes automatically after landing)
Hovering – Petrovich will hover more like human now
Petrovich AI ATGM align maneuver during hover was reworked and with new gyroscopic stabilization changes short time alignment is possible to stay in hover after launch. If ATGM align maneuver is ordered while in hover (HVR mode) Petrovich will shortly pitch down to align with target for ATGM launch, operator task is to hold the launch button after alignment was ordered as launch authorization will be short (1-3 sec). After a short pitch down and alignment Petrovich will return to hover. It is advised to order ATGM align in hover after the course was adjusted to suit direction to target. Also, it is advised to order hover ATGM align to distant targets as angle to close targets may be too steep. (Known issue: after first ATGM alignment order Petrovich stops reacting to short UP command to change course, will still react to ATGM align order. Temporary workaround: after setting course for Petrovich interface HSI with short UP, switch mode with short LEFT from CBTM to HVR and Petrovich will react and adjust course, then switch back to CBTM).
English localization of pilot’s cockpit input commands (WIP).
Main rotor pitch indicator needle movement smoothened


Forward cockpit windshield aiming reference marker that can be toggled in special menu settings. (It corresponds to 0 degrees of depression for PKI)


Autopilot Altitude hold button maps reversed
PKI sight armature and mechanics textures reworked
Conflict of collective with option misc. “Synchronize Cockpit Controls with HOTAS controls at Mission Start” setting
9K113 ATGM guiding unit "put the control knobs in neutral" function doesn’t work
ATC giving information to Mi-24P in imperial units.
LCtrl + Y to toggle the bottom screen info bar is not working for the Mi-24P
R-863 emergency frequency receiver light.
GSH-30-2K improper naming in debriefing
Key binding for engine start selection reversed.
DCS Flaming Cliffs by Eagle Dynamics
F-15C. Convergent exhaust nozzle controller algo and sounds updated.
F-15C. External stores do not seem to generate a drag penalty - fixed.

DCS: Mosquito FB VI by Eagle Dynamics

Added wing flex feature
Implemented side door and armor headrest sounds

DCS: P-51D Mustang by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed duplicated input commands

DCS: FW 190A-8 by Eagle Dynamics

Added booster pumps failures
Fixed duplicated input commands

DCS: FW 190D-9 by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed duplicated input commands

DCS: WWII Assets Pack by Eagle Dynamics

Missions that were made with units from the Asset pack grouped separately in the interface
Removed "captured" WW2 units for some allies countries.
Removed fire and smoke for destroyed field howitzers.
B-17G can take-off with tail low now
A-20G Soviet skin is added to USSR
Flak units behavior
Added Min/Max engagement altitude
Altitude Engagement Restrictions - partially solved the problem with engaging fast moving close targets by heavy AA guns
Fire at point with altitude - fixed shot spread
Multirole heavy gun: Distance limit fixed for ground targets
Dispersion in loading time as source of additional error in fuze setting
Flak 18 8,8 cm HE round explosive filler has been adjusted

DCS: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics

Added the ability to hide hints for JTAC by pressing LCtrl + B.
Added 2 skins for russian soldiers with AK.
Added Min/Max altitude restriction for AAA in ME.
DCS: Marianas by Eagle Dynamics
Added unique objects
Fiesta Resort Guam
Dusit Thani Guam Resort
Secondary runways at Tinian North Field are smoother now
Aircraft can cross runway while driving via taxiways at Antonio airport
Improved visibility of radio towers


F-15C The Georgian War Сampaign by Baltic Dragon:

M8, M9, M11, M12, M13, M14, M15. Adjusted wind direction and speed to ensure ATC gives correct runway for departure.

Missions 01, 07, 09, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 2. Adjusted wind direction and speed to ensure ATC gives correct runway for departure / landing. Also adjusted wind at high altitudes to allow wingmen to better follow player.
Mission 20. Updated weather conditions to make it easier to fly.
DCS: F/A-18C Raven One Сampaign by Baltic Dragon:

M01. Added information to the briefing about possible problems with Saint during dogfight / not using BACKSPACE which apparently can break the mission. Other small tweaks and updates.
M11. Corrected loadout (swapped Litening with ATFLIR).
M12. Updated Iranian Tomcat liveries. Moved static crewmen so the wingman won't run them over anymore. Other small tweaks and updates.
M13. Corrected loadout (swapped Litening with ATFLIR).
M14. Fixed bug with mission score (below 50). Reduced skill of enemy SA-2. Corrected loadout (swapped Litening with ATFLIR).
DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

F-14 skin updates
Skin file size reduced
AI won't dispense flares when approaching guns
AI skill update
Jester will be silenced automatically while Bio talks
DCS: F-14A Fear the Bones Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

F-14 skin updates
Skins added for the Ranger's squadrons
Skin file size reduced
DCS: F-5E Black Sea Resolve '79 Campaign by SorelRo:

Mission 7. Wind direction and parking spot changed. Trigger zones adjusted.
DCS: MiG-21bis Battle of Krasnodar Campaign by SorelRo:

Mission 5: Weather, victory conditions and wingman behavior tweaked.
Documentation updated.
UH-1H Worlds Apart - Spring 2025 Campaign by Low-Level-Heaven Mission Development:

Mission 11. Adopted to 2.7. F10 Map Marker added. Improved Voice overs. Trigger at target fixed. Mission failed option added (exit mission or fly back to HQ). Mission finished after Landing at HQ via ESC / or after engine shutdown and Battery OFF.
DCS: F/A-18C Rising Squall Campaign by INVERTED:

Added two new Missions.

Add a new multiplayer mission to test the feasibility of multiplayer campaign. The mission will start after M06 of the main story. Players can use this Missions in the Campaigns / Multiplayer folder.
Complete rebuild of Mission M10. The new mission will begin on the carrier deck.
Minor bug fixes.
DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion Campaign by Badger 633:

Missions 4,6,10,13 and 14 (all variants) increase flares to Std 60.
Missions 8. (all variants) add no RTB on bingo, add AI override, add 60 flares, Adjust Adriana timings, change lifter to CH53E for better stability.
Missions 9. (all variants) adjust AI safety net.
F/A-18C Hornet - The Serpent's Head 2 Campaign by Badger 633

All Missions except 2 (all variants) add Kneeboards increase flares to Std 60.
Missions 5. (all variants) Correct Typo in brief. Updated PDF Brief.
Missions 6. (all variants) Update references to runway heading in line with DCS update.

Re: 2.7 Update News

Posted: 23 Dec 2021, 16:24
by Neil Willis
DCS Open Beta

Introduced new campaigns:

DCS: A-10C Iron Flag Part I by Baltic Dragon
DCS: UH-1H Paradise Lost by Reflected Sims

DCS World

Voice chat feature is expanded to talks via radio for all human-controlled aircraft.
AA missiles. The Dynamic Launch Zone (DLZ) algorithm was updated for all modern aircraft. It provides much more accurate launch data, correct range dependence on launcher and target velocities, target aspect, and bearing. Added range limitation by battery life time.
AA missiles. Updated aerodynamics for R-33, Super-530D, R-550, and MICA missiles.
AA missiles. Updated targeting angles and FOVs for many A2A missiles.
AG delay-fuzed munitions. Corrected deceleration physics simulation after hitting a tree or penetrating an object; fixed issues with explosion effect positioning.
Fixed crash caused by AI formations in some cases.
ME. Payloads panel. Weapon's weight on the payload tab may be wrong - fixed.
ME. Draw tool. Hidden on F10 drop down UI issue with small resolution - fixed.
Display of F10 options. Fixed incorrect change of F10 options.
AI aircraft. Added refueling task to Tornado IDS.
AI ground units. AI soldiers could not hit a close target (adjusted contact lens prescription) - fixed.
AI aircraft. Helicopter wingmen don't take off with the player manning the deck when the type takeoff is “from runway”.
AI aircraft. Mi-24P Incorrectly positioned on deck after landing sometimes - fixed.
AI aircraft. Issue with taking off from the FARP when using uncontrolled mode and start command from trigger - fixed.
AI aircraft. Aircraft with recon task do not see enemy ground units at all (Fog of war F10 mode) - fixed.
AI aircraft. Helicopters spawn outside of Tarava deck - fixed.
Resource manager. Airbase with unlimited fuel keeps providing fuel after the entire fuel depot is destroyed - fixed.
Caucasus map. Beslan airport. Planes collision during parking (bar closed during operations) - fixed.
ME. Dynamic Weather panel disappears - fixed.
ME. The Figure table in the Draw tool lost the ability to change layers - fixed.
DCS crashes when player aircraft blocks runway - fixed.
ME. Geodata of the mouse cursor position is not updated when the Draw menu is active - fixed.
Fixed a bug leading to a drop of performance when rendering a water surface.
Weapons. Decreased the exaggerated FAB-250M62 bomb warhead.
AI aircraft. AI wingmen fly dangerously during approach and landing - corrected.
NVG image very dark in moonless night - corrected.
Dedicated server. Sound in norender mode uses a dummy driver. This will fix the crash on Windows Server w/o sound devices.
Sound engine. Released sounds now continue to move with the source.
AI aircraft. When set to takeoff from ground hot, with 25% fuel, the AI Harrier takes off vertically, and freezes in mid air - fixed.
Weapons. AGM-88 will produce the air explosion effect (not ground effect) when detonated above the radar antenna.
Sound engine. Updated sonic boom sound effect.
Leap motion gemini 5.2 drivers. Users may need to update their leap motion drivers to the latest gemini drivers.
Dedicated server. Wingmen won't move from their parking slot - fixed.
C-47 Skytrain aircraft is added to the WWII Assets pack

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

Added HMCS A-G features. This includes Steerpoint/Sensor Point of Interest, IAM VIS Mode, Maverick, and Mark Points. See video.
Added Electronic Countermeasures (ALQ-184 Short ECM pod). See video.
Added FCR Jamming Indications
Added HSD cursor ability to adjust scale and select steerpoints.
Added New CMDS Modes - Semiautomatic and Automatic. See video.
Added a new CMDS BYPASS program (one chaff and one flare).
Added SEAD DED page and TMS HAD functions.
Added MAN DED page.
Added radar ACM Slew mode. When in Dogfight ACM mode, slewing the radar cursor switch activates ACM slew mode that will search 20-degrees in elevation and 60-degrees in azimuth and pitch and roll space stabilization (not in reference to aircraft longitudinal axis like the other ACM modes) out to 10 nm. This is a rather large area and detection and lock may not be immediate. The elevation high and low coverage is indicated and based on targets at 5 nm. To exit, TMS Aft.
Сodes being looked for, the faster the HTS scan rate.
Smoother HUD, HAD, and HSD cursor axis slew.
ECM pods drag correction.
Overload limit should be adjusted for 10.5G
HTS THRT page - Change white highlighting of classes. The fewer the number of categories searched for, the faster the HTS can complete a full scan. Best to just select categories of threats expected to be encountered.
MPD Clarity Improvement. When using the FLIR, remember to enable Manual Gain Control (MGC) for additional image gain clarity. Brightness and contrast may not be enough.
Fixed: HMCS cross / egg when looking in reference to ground.
Fixed: Lights to Bright at Night on CMDS Panel.
Fixed: ECM Band Buttons on the should be raised when the band is not enabled.
Fixed: HSD Cursor default position incorrect in A-G Mastermode.
Fixed: CCIP mark draw limits.
Fixed: AG Radar - HSD azimuth cone incorrect in EXP and DBS1.
Fixed: AG Radar Bearing/Range indicator shows values >360° and <0°.
Fixed: Unable to align HMCS While Powering Mavs or TGP.
Fixed: HSD wrong indication designated SAM target.
Fixed: Symbology on TGP Has Different Brightness.
Fixed: AG radar mode selection menu obstructions.
Fixed: HAD:
Radar contacts overlap order
Selected targets font too weak
Elements draw order
Fixed: With FCR as SOI, press TMS UP makes HUD as SOI and create a markpoint
Fxed: TGP issues when HAD is used to designate a radar source on an elevated ground.
Fixed: HTS:
Unable to designate an inactive emitter
After handoff, not able to move SPI with TGP and HUD
Does not see Roland RDS
HTS pod is not roll stabilized
Unable to exit HTS mode while operating AGM-65D
Fixed: Steer point 25 bullseye problems.
Fixed: MGRS Conversion problem when leading with zeros.
Fixed: Mark point source is unable to be changed.
Fixed: Markpoint shows elevation in meters instead of feet
Fixed: Incorrect display of targets on the WPN HARM_POS page.
Fixed: HUD tadpole not aligned with steerpoint.
Fixed: Activating MARK DED Page changes weapon from PRE to VIS mode without possibility to change it.
Fixed: AGR. When changing scanning azimuth to 1 or 3 in EXP and DBS the map shifts to the side.
Fixed: Altimeter incorrect limits.
Fixed: Radar GM Antenna Azimuth Reset
Fixed: Markpoint and AG radar integration
Fixed: When "OVRD" selected radar continues to scan.
Fixed: HUD diamond for new steerpoints not showing immediately.
Fixed: HUD remote panel is a W and should be a VV.
Fixed: Line below the PROBE HEAT and EPU/GEN switches.
Fixed: Erratic depiction of BullsEye information on the HUD.
Fixed: Jettisoned canopy - Open and close sound still plays.
Fixed: Lighting on the EHSI is not dimming enough at night.

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

Improved FLIR image settings.
Fixed: Weapons should not work when the WOW sensor is damaged.
Fixed: High speed showing sometimes on locked targets.
Fixed: AIM-9X on station 2 stops working after tank jettison.
Fixed: LITENING II. Adjust the zoom factor.
Fixed: Range and aspect shown in JHMCS for jamming target.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

External sounds such like GPU, canopy, and DC electrics noise will be heard now in a human-controlled multiplayer client’s aircraft for those users who don't own the module.
Updated the ME icons set for DemoMods folder. It is used when the module is not installed.
Added credits files (available at the module icon in DCS UI main screen).
Restored AI aircraft engine sound.
Fixed the avionics warnings sounds volume with the “Hear like in helmet“ option enabled.
The helmet glass will disappear now from the screen on the cockpit view once it is fully raised. It’s going to prevent it to obstruct the view with very large FOVs selected.
Fully supported the cockpit radios and intercom VOIP capability. In addition to standard VOIP commands being handled, also a dedicated “VOIP PTT button“ command was added to input.
The radio menu will be hidden now once the CALL button is released.
Renamed radios names for communication menu (also affects the new VOIP UI).
Added radios presets for VOIP “Dynamic Radios“ dialog.
Adjusted radios settings.
Improved radios performance.
Fixed wings being ripped off when the second pilot is ejected.

DCS AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations


Ghost velocity vector will now only show if sideslip is more than 2 degrees from caged velocity vector.
Aircraft can fire weapons while on the ground.

Waypoint input procedure
DMT axis Slew
TDC Special Option renamed to: “Use EASY mode TDC”. If checked, TDC will automatically designate a target when released. Otherwise the TDC will need to be pressed for a target designation.

CAS page: Entering 0 will enter current aircraft position as target position

DCS M-2000C by RAZBAM Simulations


Pilot visibility & pedals intersecting feet issues.
Improved replay stability.
Green IDN/HSI AP course setpoint position misplaced with crosswinds.
Gun piper jumping on FRL in some conditions.
Target aspect shown on zero length speed vector.
WP dist and id not shown on VTH/HUD in ground modes.
SHB seagull markers should not have bar symbols.

Lock IFF behavior returns more "uncertain" (D) states when distance mismatches.

LotATC human driven TAF.
Switch, canopy, throttle noises sampled on the real cockpit.
Movement sensitive throttle noise.
Adjustable throttle detent positions.
Lots of system noises (VTH, VTB, AC, Gyro...).
Lots of radar & VTB related binds (inc/dec, toggles, ...)
Option to disable PCN hidden digit entry message.
What's new tips on kneeboard.

Added Canopy physics
Super 530D loft after launch.
TAF is now fully accounting for all line of sights
530D accurate launch zones and ToF calculation
Lighting knobs adjusted in fonction of daylight upon spawn
PCN backlighting of all buttons, brightness knob now clickable for light test

DCS MiG-19P by RAZBAM Simulations

Fixed following keybinds:

ARK-5 Receiver Mode TLF and TLG are reversed, causing the TLF command to place the ARK-5 into TLG mode and vice versa.
ADF Manual Antenna Left and Right commands are reversed.
Radar Horizon Increase doesn't work at all, while Decrease lowers it all the way
Landing Gear Down Else Neutral, Lock On Else Off, Up Else Neutral Not bindable to keyboard
RP-5 Radar/Telemetry Commands reversed with on turning the radar off and off turning it on

Cockpit Flood light ON/OFF

DCS F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

NEW: Added DCS VOIP functionality to AN/ARC-159 and AN/ARC-182.
Changed ICS default setting to always cold mic on spawn.
Overhauled all night lighting in F-14A and -B cockpits for DCS linear space gamma sampling.
Floodlights are now operational again in the F-14B cockpit.
Forrestal: Adjusted LSO platform view.
Forrestal: Tie-downs now render proper cavity map.
Fixed potentially long load times due to tacan initialization.
Fix typo which accidentally removed one AIM-9L from this F-14A-135-GR predefined payload: AIM-54A-MK60x1, AIM-7Fx1, AIM-9Lx2, XTx2, Mk-82x2.
Adjusted integrated stab trim for flap and DLC operation.
Adjusted gear and speedbrake drag.
Adjusted flap pitching moment.
Adjusted F110 fuel flow for mid-power settings.
Adjusted lift while in ground effect.
Added VF1 Wolfpack NK100-103 skins by Yae Sakura (thank you!).

DCS AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

NEW: Added DCS VOIP functionality to FR22 and FR24 radios.
NEW: Added new Pilot seat harness for in-cockpit pilot, properly attaching the pilot to the ejection seat.
NEW: Gauge dynamics improvements - gauges now move smoothly to their new positions as in other Heatblur aircraft.
Introduced dynamic fuel gauge animation, the gauge needles will no longer teleport.
Introduced dynamic compassring heading animation.
NEW: Placeable static objects are now showing on the ground radar.
Remastered canopy texture, improving detail and resolution.
Remastered textures of rear cockpit bulkhead wall.
Added normal maps and improved texture detail for seat cushions.
Added normal maps and improved texture detail for seat harness and restraining systems.
Added new canopy sealant textures improving transition between glass and canopy.
Fixed DCS freeze on Flight Data Unit and Main Pitot failure.
Fixed DCS freeze when doing loops with the aircraft.
Fixed radar causing an FPS drop in the 60km and 120km modes.
Creating a popup point and assigning it to a waypoint will now mark it as a target waypoint.
The radar marker can be moved in both axes independently now.
Radar marker movement is restricted to the visible area only.
Waypoints defined as mission targets now show as “90000” when selected using TAKT/OUT.
Destination indicator for popup points is now a red “U”.
Data loading is possible only when a cartridge is inserted.
Unsafing trigger while in ANF PLAN no longer makes bombs unable to fire if mode is switched to NAV.
Corrected the radar in memory mode - the picture now freezes for 30s.
Toggling safety now allows Rb75s to be cycled.
Sidewinders and Rb75s can now be cycled using the IR/RB FRAMMSTEGN button.
Weapons can no longer be fired as normal on the ground; however:
safety bypass button implemented in the back-right of the cockpit; pressing this button allows weapons to be fired on ground.
Post-DYK bombing steering order cue on HUD now displays correctly in ANF mode.
Air-to-air radar no longer picks up dropped bombs.
RUTA waypoints now show as R# rather than M# on the destination indicator.
Measured targets now show a red M# on the destination indicator.
Releasing the fix trigger from the TV position to the T0 position after a successful type 2 fix now displays the longitude and latitude of the target.
The RENSA button can now be used to remove measured or tracked target fixes.
P4 chaff release program in slow streak release will empty the right pod before the left one is used. It will last 960 instead of 480 seconds.
Countermeasures should reset to the set amount upon rearm now.
Radar Memory Mode will now turn off once Terrain Avoidance Mode is activated.
Empty sidewinder pylons no longer reduce drag.
Fixed parking brake engaging.
External tanks are now filled upon refill/rearm ground crew command.
Landing gear extension/retraction is now restricted for low rpm and high airspeeds.
Landing gear damage is registered as a fault now; it is possible to have it triggered by the failure list in the mission editor.
Autothrottle now disengages after the throttle is moved considerably.
External tanks won’t drop when the aircraft is on the ground now.
Trim can be reset now by cycling the TRIMSYST circuit breaker after emergency trim was used.
Wheel damage arguments corrected (wheels should now display damage correctly).
Engine RPM displayed on gauge and external GUI now match.
ASI Indexer knob and marker now functional.
Fixed too large ADI drift - now it is about 1 degree per hour.
Improved autopilot modes disengagement logic.
Fixed an issue where SPAK would need to be pressed after automatic engagement during startup.
Striped fuel-required needle now shows fuel required to reach the final mission waypoint (from current position) when in SPA mode.
Magnetic declination knob no longer clickable through the flip cover; expanded clickable area for the cover and fixed keybinds for toggling the flip cover.
Marker added to the magnetic declination adjustment knob to illustrate its position.
The AFK lever must be cycled now before autothrottle is reengaged after automatic disconnection (it was possible to re-engage without cycling through a keybind).
CK 37 Rensa button is no longer clickable through the cover (button was not effective through the cover, but the sound and animation was played.)
Fixed an issue where the high-pressure fuel valve would be set incorrectly during automatic start.
Corrected altitude readings on the main altimeter.
Pressure correction has been reworked in main and standby altimeters.
Altimeter knob can now be pulled in the cockpit.
ADI vertical speed indicator has been corrected, it shows accurate values now.
Airspeed indicators show accurate values now.
Fixed the cabin pressure indicator needle.
Extended the cabin pressurization model.
Extended the oxygen use model.
Corrected the effect of the oxygen flow valve.
Corrected the SYRGAS warning light - now lights up when the oxygen flow is closed.
Fixed RESERVEFF warning light operation.
Fixed LANDSTÄLL warning light operation.
STD flag added to altimeter.
Markers added to the right of the large altimeter roller.
Max G needle has been implemented.
Fixed vertical accelerometer, it’s displaying accurate values now.
Radio base/channel selectors do not skip values anymore.
Radio frequency selectors have corrected labels and functionality.
Fixed an issue where two clicks were needed to change the FR22 radio frequency with controller bindings.
Radio volume knob is now functional; also using the hotkeys to change radio volume results in the volume knob moving, so there’s no disconnect between volume and knob position.
FR-22 Grupp and Bas dials expanded to match their real-life counterparts.
Each group selected via the FR-22 Grupp function now corresponds to a radio channel that can be defined in the mission editor (or at least, groups 100 to 139 do):
This means 40 more custom radio channels for the Viggen that will hopefully be more intuitive to use than the old group system.
The channels all show up in the kneeboard and use the common DCS channel presets as default.
Important note: Because channels Special 1-3 and EFGH have been left untouched in order to not break existing mission presets, some missions might have to update player/client aircraft to make the presets show correctly: Click on the player/client aircraft, cycle to AI and back to player/client, then resave the mission.
FR22 buttons and knobs can no longer be double-pressed (i.e. if the A/G button has been depressed, clicking it again will have no effect).
Fixed the initialization of the FR24 Mode Selector. Guard frequency is now audible already at spawn in the NORM + LARM position.
Kneeboard now has additional pages, allowing up to 75 airbases to be listed.
Kneeboard page order has been revised; it’s now:
Radio channels
Ground Crew/Cartridge page
Airbase list
Reference points
Kneeboards now use a typewritten font; font size and spacing has been increased for readability.
Kneeboard waypoint pages now have enough spaces for waypoints B0 through B9, with enough room at the end for L1 and L2.
Kneeboard airbase list and reference point pages have been condensed down to one page each; however, they both have multiple subpages, which can be accessed using RShift + PgUp and RShift + PgDn.
The following keyboard commands have been added to the ground crew kneeboard page:
Cycle Left RB04 Group Target.
Cycle Right RB04 Group Target.
Toggle Left RB04 Jump Angle.
Toggle Right RB04 Jump Angle.
Cycle Safety Height.
Synchronized interior and exterior canopy animations and state.
Radar stick is now animated.
Added properly downward facing landing light.
Cockpit innards are no longer visible from external view when looking around in VR.
Fixed lights initialization on hot ground start - now dependent on outside illumination.
TIPPVÄXEL switch labels fixed.
Fixed selected binding labels (FR22, Altimeter).
Fixed FR24 selector tooltip.
EP-13 tube model attachment fixed.
Rollers in the cockpit now roll in the correct direction; rollers have been adjusted to no longer clip through their neighbouring rollers.
Fixed inverted lighting argument on ADI rim - now illuminates together with rest of ADI.
Improved appearance of SPAK ATT and HOJD lens flares.
Removed lens flare from Radar screen.
Added missing pipes behind the ejection seat.
Fixed several normal mapping errors on the canopy causing inconsistent lighting at UV seams.
Fixed skewed polygon near left warning panels.
Fixed stretched textures on upper ejection seat headrest.
Fixed z-fighting on cable retention brackets.
Improved geometric smoothness and detail of some ejection seat elements.
Oil pressure and fuel director warning light up properly during startup sequence.
Hydraulic pump failures light up proper warning lights now.
Display textures for the navigation data panel and the destination indicator upgraded for better readability (using a texture developed by MYSE1234 for his enhanced Viggen textures mod - Thank you!)
Corrected typo in HYDRA-TR1 and HYDRA-TR2 warning lights.
Navigation Datapanel numbers adjusted in size and made more readable.
Destination Indicator text larger and centralized.
Added clickables and animations for the missing Radarstick controls:
Memory Button
Mode Selector
Range Selector
Antenna Elevation Axis
Terrain Avoidance Button
Fixed Autopilot Yaw Trim cover.
Fixed Exhaust Nozzle Indicator- now the needle moves within specific afterburner stages.
Recompressed several cockpit textures, especially those with dark colours and gradients with BC7 format for better compression and less artifacts.
Optimized sizes and formats for several textures on the in-cockpit pilot for lowered VRAM usage.
Fixed all night lighting textures for appropriate linear gamma shader changes.
Added input bindings for landing lights.
Added toggle keybind for the trigger safety bracket.
Added instrument lights joystick and keyboard keybinds.
Added panel lights joystick axis and keyboard keybinds.
Added flood lights joystick axis and keyboard keybinds.
Fixed the inverted vertical radaraxis.
Removed duplicated magnetic declination binding.
Auto start and auto stop are now assignable as keybinds.
Fixed an issue where data cartridge and ejection seat lever needed to be clicked twice to re-engage.
Flip-covers for these controls now inhibit their manipulation:
Fixed toggle inputs of:
Doppler Land/Sea mode
Radio AM/FM
Gear handle
High-pressure fuel valve
Manual afterburner fuel regulator
Manual fuel regulator
Pitch gearing
Radar Altimeter Power
Slav SI Switch
TILS channel Layer selection
Limited movement of the following knobs:
HUD brightness
Radar brightness
EP-13 brightness
EP-13 contrast
Radar CI filter
Magnetic declination
Maintenance testing mode
Drysuit ventilation adjustment
Fixed several control knobs overturning:
Added a keybind for centering the Radar Elevation axis.
Added Weapon Interval Selector CW and CCW keybinds.
Added joystick axes for:
Radio Volume Knob
Master Volume/ Sidewinder Tone Knob
Airspeed Indexer Knob
Magnetic Declination Knob
EP-13 Brightness Knob
EP-13 Contract Knob
Radar Filter Knob
Radar Brightness Knob
HUD Brightness Knob
Added Radar Filter Increase/ Decrease keybinds.
Corrected Autopilot Yaw Trim Knob - it is moving properly now.
Seat Height Adjustment switch is now clickable in the cockpit.
Corrected Oxygen Lever keybind name, added a corresponding toggle.
Added missing keybind for fine altimeter set decrement.
Fixed Interior Lights ‘switch’ keybind, added a corresponding toggle.
Added Radar Gain (MKR) is now clickable from the cockpit.
Corrected existing Radar Gain keybinds and added a new one ‘Radar Gain Center’.
Added Autopilot Yaw Trim joystick axis.
Added Autopilot Yaw Trim cover keybinds.
Deleted old ‘Radar Night Filter’ axis and commands which were causing DCS to crash.
Cartridge selection now wraps both ways (i.e. if you accidentally go too far and overshoot your cartridge, ending up back at the start of the list, you can simply go back the other way).
Added more accurate RWR sounds with MYSE1234’s mod - Thank you!
Fixed the sound of the HUVUDWARNING button.

DCS JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations


AA gunsight solution for LCOS mode
AG radar EXP/DBS1 not use TDC position as the center of sector enlarged in next stage
AG radar antenna elevation in GMTI/SEA1/SEA2 modes
AG radar real beam map gain/brt/cont control
AG radar terrain avoidance image gain/brt/cont control
HSD moving map brt/cont control
C802AK now partially works (by ED) - needs to choose proper target size for acquisition (i.e MED for Ivanov cargo, LAR for Perry)
radio TR+G mode (com1 guard 121.5MHz, com2 guard 243.0MHz)

Support of radio com1/2 VOIP with new binding:
HOTAS Throttle T4 Fwd/Bwd VOIP: for VOIP only
HOTAS Throttle T4 Fwd/Bwd (w/ VOIP): quick push/release for radio menu
HOTAS Throttle T4 Fwd/Bwd (w/ VOIP): long push (hold) for VOIP
SPJ jam type/coverage(az,el)/direction now are synced in MP
Only affects between JF-17s in MP
For example, two JF-17s are head-on in MP: if one is jamming backward, the other will not get the interference. If one is jamming forward or fwd+bwd, the other will get interference with different burn-through distance (fwd provides more jam power than fwd+bwd thus shorter burn-through distance)
AA radar speed gate low/high toggle (used for low speed target filter)
AG radar EXP mode for GMTI/SEA1/SEA2
AG radar ship contact echo size difference according to ship RCS
small (none C802AK target size setting can help [reported])
medium (C802AK target size - MED)
large (C802AK target size - LAR)
AG radar BCN mode (2-digit BCN code can be set in AG CNTL page)
Now use tacan signal to simulate the beacon signal
Empty 800L/1100L fuel tank as loadout
If taxi-out without disconnecting ground power cable, it could damage the aircraft
Multipurpose UFC binding preset

AA/AG radar CNTL page
AG GMTI/SEA1/SEA2 contact color
CH Pro Throttle and Warthog Joystick HOTAS binding preset (check your input binding)

DCS SA-342 Gazelle by Polychop Simulations


Gun binding issue solved (now you have a new binding "Minigun Fire")
Mistral doesn't lock ground targets now
RWR volume knob now updates sound level properly
Laser rangefinder now detects statics
Adjusted seeker limits for the mistral.
Adjusted some values for the flir in night situations.

New menu background image.
keybind for comm menu now is available for mouse
VoIP implementation

DCS: Black Shark 2 by Eagle Dynamics

Added rotation limits to Pilot's head camera.
Heavy jitters after getting damaged - fixed.

DCS: Mi-24P by Eagle Dynamics

Improved Fuel System. Adjusted fuel consumption rate. Refactoring of the fuel system code: fuel pumps effectiveness was corrected, the modeling logic of the valve box was improved allowing even fuel consumption from the feed tanks.
Improved. ATGM aiming sight helper for movement momentum changed
Improved EN inputs translation
Improved many sounds according to feedback and new references (Thank you Iron_Man)
Improved. Default ASP-17 reflector position changed
Added more control binds for the Pilot's weapon control panel
Added default axes assignments for "SideWinder Force Feedback 2" joystick.
Fixed Landing gear door mis-aligned when gear is down
Fixed Petrovich AI stopping to react at short up command in ATGM sight CMBT mode
Fixed Ukrainian livery tail warning inscription and number

DCS: Spitfire IX by Eagle Dynamics

Bombs spawns shifted to far aft when released - fixed
Added Instant action missions to Marianas.
Added Instant action mission Low Level Hell to Channel map.

DCS: P-47D Thunderbolt by Eagle Dynamics

Added Instant action missions to Marianas.
Added Instant action mission Low Level Hell to Channel map.
DCS: P-51D Mustang by Eagle Dynamics
Added Instant action missions to Marianas.
Added Instant action mission Low Level Hell to Channel map.

DCS: Mosquito FB VI by Eagle Dynamics

Added RP-3 rockets to the armament
Fixed propellers in connection to wing flex
Identification lights displayed correctly now
Fixes to initial and gunsight camera positions
Added Instant action missions to Marianas.
Added Spanish localization of IA missions.

DCS: Fw 190 A-8 Anton by Eagle Dynamics

Added missed panels of the armored glass frame
Fixes to the cockpit frame and canopy bolts (flashing textures)
Fixed a typo in the Außenanschluß
The cockpit model’s polygons are visible through the fuselage - fixes
Minor improvement to the canopy opening animation
Antennae does not connect with vertical stab - fixed
Added software dynamic reflections for the cockpit
Edited tail numbers animation to allow using single-digit.
Edited inner shape of adjustable stabilizer, edited angle of the front right wheel.

DCS: Fw 190 D-9 Dora by Eagle Dynamics

Tailwheel sunken into ground - fixed
Interior parts are visible thru the fuselage - fixed
Raindrops are visible inside the front glass - fixed
Improvements to the cockpit’s outer shape
Duplicate parts of the tail - fixed
Added Instant action mission Low Level Hell to Channel map.

DCS: Bf 109 K-4 Kurfurst by Eagle Dynamics

Added Instant action mission Low Level Hell to Channel map.

DCS: NS 430 by Eagle Dynamics

Fix to the color of the course deviation marker
Fix to manual brightness limits
Message "Approaching Target Altitude" displayed correctly now
Fixes to deviation bar and pointer visibility
Fix to wrong units displaying in NRST pages
Fix to ETA capculations
Removed leading zero sign for latitude in the position field
2D model is available for VR users now

DCS: Caucasus by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed unique scenes objects : self-intersection, duplication
Roki tunnel entrance destructible now
DCS: Persian Gulf Map by Eagle Dynamics
Fixed collisions with objects on airport taxiways
Fixed the direction of the light source on some airfield lighting systems, were rotated 180 degrees
Small bushes do not obstruct ground vehicles
Lights on ground traffic objects no longer light up during the day
Fix reflection artifacts on static objects
Improved base color of vegetation
The textures of the surface distant LOD corresponds to the textures of the near LOD
Cosmetic fixes to textures of rivers and their connections

DCS: NEVADA Test and Training Range Map by Eagle Dynamics

Airfield "Nellis" centered aircraft spawning point in the revetments G1 to G25
Airfield "Nellis": fixed Two taxiway signs read "C" instead of "G"
Airfield "Boulder City": added ATC with radio frequencies
Airfield "Groom Lake": removed vegetation from runway
The names of airfields no longer contain the words "airfield", "airbase", "AFB", etc.
Fixed places near airfields where fences were on the roads
Fixed a lot of glitches in the geometry of the ground under the roads
Fixed huge holes in the geometry of the terrain surface
Fixed a lot of unnatural embankments along the roads
Fixed near LODs of some objects, objects disappeared in the near distance

DCS: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics

Input: Renamed 'Turret to current direction lock' command to 'Gun stabilizer On\Off'.
Fixed wrong hull direction when firing Insurgent with AK-74.


DCS: A-10C Operation Persian Freedom Campaign от Ground Pounder Sims:

Mission 7. Fixed bug that misidentified player kills on SAMS as a kill by SEAD escort.
Mission 8. Adjusted size of end mission zone.
A-10C Basic Flight Training Campaign by Maple Flag Missions:

Mission 05. Expand the speed trigger detection range to reduce the terminate calls if the player is too close to the 160 knots limit.
Spitfire IX The Big Show Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

Flak update.
P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

AI takeoff timer logic reworked to circumvent a new AI takeoff bug.
Flak update.
Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

Flak update.
DCS: Fw 190 A-8 Horrido! Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

Visual briefings.
Flak update.
DCS: P-47D Wolfpack Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

Visual briefings.
AI takeoff timer logic reworked to circumvent a new AI takeoff bug.
Flak update.
F-86F Hunters over the Yalu Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

Visual briefings.
Flak update.
DCS: F/A-18C Raven One Сampaign by Baltic Dragon:

Mission 01: Adjusted Saint's flight path to avoid erratic behavior if player is slow during startup.
Mission 05: Fixed possible issue with Prince not being able to properly climb after the dogfight.
Mission 12: Moved static crew member damaging Blade before takeoff. Fixed missing voiceover for Player. Updated Iranian Tomcat skins. Removed the Tomcats shooting (until the bug with F-14s failing to attack at long range is resolved). Other minor tweaks and fixes.
F-15C The Georgian War Сampaign by Baltic Dragon:

M10-M13: Updated EWR callsign to allow open radio communications during certain parts of missions.
M-2000C Red Flag Campaign by Baltic Dragon:

Mission 05: Fixed spawn location for player's wingman. Reduced skill of enemy F-16s.
Mission 08: Fixed issue with all flights taxiing very late. Fixed issue with Chevy 01 taxiing to wrong parking spot thus not triggering part of pre-flight conversation.
Mission 09: Fixed problem with Rocket 11 stopping in the middle of the taxiway.
Mission 15: Fixed problem with wingman refusing to Taxi and Chevy 3-1 crashing soon after takeoff.
UH-1H Argo Campaign by 373vFS Greg

Mission 1: Missing C-130H fixed.
ADF not working in missions due to wind conditions - fixed.
Mission 5: Skip mission missing - fixed.
F/A-18C Rising Squall Campaign by INVERTED

The Cothesis tutorial campaign for beginners has been added. The campaign is conducted in the form of a tutorial and based on the story line of Rising Squall. If you have the Rising Squall campaign, you will automatically get this campaign when updating. The campaign will continue to be updated after release to add new content and custom comics. Dubbing will also be released gradually in future updates. At present, this small campaign includes a total of 16 missions. We look forward to your comments and feedback on the new tutorial form in the ED community.
The following is the basic description of the campaign:
The campaign are special tutorial missions under the F/A-18C Rising Squall Campaign DLC. It will take you from shallow to deep to be familiar with many basic functions and methods of using the F/A-18C Hornet. The tutorial is based on the INVERTED world under Rising Squall and some contents have been modified and simplified relative to the ED official tutorials for beginners. Therefore, this tutorial is not equivalent to the ED official tutorial, instead it focuses more on functions and application.In case of contradictions in some descriptions involved, the ED official tutorial shall prevail.
UH-1H Worlds Apart - Spring 2025 Campaign by Low-Level-Heaven Mission Development

After French, German the next localization. Complete radio communication text in German, All Crew conversation with German Voice Overs.
UH-1 Skin with WOLFPACK sign and crewmember patches as well as logos on the helmets.
New Voice Overs added to give more guideline true the missions
Many Voice Overs changed for better understanding
Using the new drawing tool on the F-10 map together with more information provided in time, with map markers.
Providing the opportunity to shut down the engine at the end of every mission. Mission will end automatically after switching off the battery. You still will be able to end the mission after landing and the mission completed news, with “Esc”.
Issue with severe FPS problems in Mission 7, 10 and 11 solved.
A10 AI not engaging in Mission 7 – timed solution added so targets get destroyed and mission will continue.
Known Issues
With enabled mirrors black flashes may appear in some cases.
MiG-19. Communication menu doesn’t work. Refuel/rearm workaround using Alt ‘
Voice Chat: In some cases intercom may work in Hot Mic mode in aircraft without HotMic.
Yak-52 - Voice Chat in Radio mode doesn’t work in the rear cockpit in multicrew.
Voice Chat:. Mig-15bis. Radio frequency in the widget does not change.
Voice Chat: Mi-8. Outgoing transmission works only from the commander's seat.
Voice Chat: Mi-24. R-852/828 don't accept radio transmission.
MiG-21: Distortion of engine sound when in cockpit.

Re: 2.7 Update News

Posted: 30 Dec 2021, 11:45
by Neil Willis
DCS Open Beta

DCS World

Fix Returned net.* API to Mission Scripting environment.
F-15E, JSOW start fixed.
F-16C. Crash due to changes in cockpit local files fixed.
Su-25. Crash during repair fixed.
Screen flickers black in some case - fixed.

DCS: L-39 Albatros by Eagle Dynamics

Training missions: wrong takeoff direction fixed.

DCS: MiG-19P Farmer by RAZBAM

Communication menu fixed.

DCS: AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

Incorrect waypoints fixed.


L-39 Albatros: Kursant Campaign by Eagle Dynamics:

Mission 10: Wind tuning.

Re: 2.7 Update News

Posted: 27 Jan 2022, 11:50
by Neil Willis
DCS Open beta

DCS World

Ingame UI. Added Messages History function for radio messages and texts.
Fixed 052C HHQ-9 behaviors
Fixed 052C HHQ-9 ammo capacity
Fixed C701 range
Updated C802AK scheme
Screen flickers black in some cases - fixed
Fixed crash that appeared on the air tanker in some cases.
Fixed crash that appeared on ATC in some cases.
Aircraft AI hangs and slides on high AoA - fixed.
JDAM will override unacceptable terminal heading.
Aircraft AI. Escort task. Escorts punctually pitch up or down during their task - fixed.
Engage distance with search then engage task ignores the distance from waypoint task was assigned on
ME. Scripting. Added Trigger Effect Smoke Stop.
A-10C, F-16C LMFCD + Camera + RMFCD - Displays freeze if not in F1 view - fixed.
Aircraft AI now only pop flares when threatened by planes able to carry missiles.
Aircraft AI. Added C-47 cargo plane.
AFAC task. AI aircraft with an AFAK mission will now be able to attack targets with combat weapons, not only markers.
Added CAS task for MQ-1 Predator.
MP. P-51, TF-51. Added animation of cowls of coolant system on the clients.
AI wingmen don't copy flight leader Formation lights status (planes only) - fixed.
Helicopter AI. Fixed some bugs leads to helicopter AIs hitting the ground during maneuvering and colliding during flight.
Aircraft AI. Heavy aircraft can now be set in one flight up to 4.
Aircraft AI. B-17 in WW2 formation - warping and losing formation positions - fixed.
Aircraft AI. Aircraft Won't Dive Bomb when direction set - fixed.
Aircraft AI. F-16 cannot refuel whenever the tanker is turning - fixed.
Helicopter AIs are unable to lift cargos from ships - fixed.
Sound update for sonic boom (medium distant added).
Kh-31 missile. Added realistic ramjet model and flight data.
AI aircraft. AI does not use AGM-62 at max range - fixed.
AI aircraft. AI aircraft with CAS task do not follow the desired ammo quantity release - fixed.
AI A-20G added Anti-ship strike task.
AI aircraft. JSOW gets stuck when launched from F-16 - fixed.
AI aircraft. AV-8B Harrier AI takeoff issues - heavy harrier tuned, short take off procedure implemented.
VR. Added free cam mode.
Resource manager. More meaningful warehouse transfer messages added.
Voice chat. Radio. Correctly reset radio options when changing the cockpit with HOT MIC is On.
Voice chat. Radio. Added setting to allow using extra radios on a server

DCS F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

Added DTOS Bombing Mode
Added ALQ-184 Long Pod
Fixed: Crash on cockpit:
Fixed: Markpoint FCR Mode
Fixed: AG radar scale arrows disappear after switching from A-G to DGFT override and back
Fixed: Wing tanks contain fuel even with wings ripped off
Fixed: A-A targets bugged in RWS SAM don't appear on the HSD
Added input, corrected clickable hints for ECM Pod control panel
Fixed: TDC in Mark point mode can be broken
Fixed: MAV Keyhole remains on target after last MAV has been fired
Fixed: Markpoint TGP Mode
Fixed: HMCS markpoint indication missed in NAV
Fixed: SEAD DED page closes when TMS right to cycle HAD targets
Fixed: ACM Slew Mode Elevation Error
Fixed: CMDS SEMI/AUTO inhibits manual dispensing (incl. slap switch) when expendable is in bingo quantity
Fixed: Radar pointer keeps moving on SOI switch
Updated german flight manual

DCS F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

Added a separate function for the switch of Launch Bar
Fixed: Mav undesignate
Fixed: No autostart possible with NVGs
Fixed: GRID Entry changes data link channel
Fixed: 3D Wing fold Beercans Missing
Fixed: HARMs in PB mode have their TGT numerical value applied to the selected DL channel
Fixed:Changing laser code for GBU also changes D/L frequency
Fixed: GPS Weapons delivery data entry training mission
Fixed: User mission creates flight model error for no apparent reason
Fixed: Manual page 279 - On the TAC page, the “HARM DSPLY” legend is displayed below pushbutton X

DCS Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics

Improvement: further sound improvement including rotor sound and max speed and distance related sounds.
Added: New keybind mappings in ASP-17V Sight, DC Panel, AC Panel, IFF transponder and MC-61 categories.
Fixed: Collective automatic snap moving in certain modes (
Fixed: Red panel light knobs line not illuminated ( ... -oversized).

DCS: AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

FR24 transmit power changed to 3W in VoIP.
Fixed FR22 frequency display when set at x99 frequency.
Ground crew is now heard with a closed canopy.
Fixed no sound when disengaging the parking brake via toe brake.
Mission data will be cleared before loading new data.
Fixed countermeasure bindings.
Canopy state is now updated in the cockpit after being jettisoned.
Improved AKAN gunsight accuracy.
Allowed kneeboard settings to be used on cold start and changed their hotkeys slightly to avoid conflict with weapon selection knob hotkeys.
Fixed LS points not repopulating on cartridge change.

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

Adjusted AIM-54 FM data to more closely correlate with CFD research.
Fixed lofting definitions for AIM-54, AI should now loft AIM-54’s.
USS Forrestal: Added collision box to LSO platform, allowing placement of crew and objects.
Fixed JESTER menu typo in Ripple Quantity in the A2G submenu.
JESTER now sets waypoint altitude for waypoints added from map markers.
Fixed F-14B RPM Gauge flickering.
Improved instances of MP spawn on carriers causing wing damage to neighboring spawns. Some cases persist.
Fixed Mic Button UHF1/2 presses not being recognized as PTT for VOIP if the radio menu is open.
Fixed VF-41 livery folder structure.
Updated VF-32 Swordsmen AB200 livery by Yae Sakura (thank you!).
Added VF-14 Tophatters liveries AB100, AJ200 and AJ201 by Ben_Der (thank you!).

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

New: require engine cold crank before another start after an engine shutdown, otherwise the engine start could fail
Added: HSD shows SPJ jam coverage (RWR symbols of being jammed objects will have an underline)
Added: inlet cover and lander in cold ramp condition (contact ground crew to remove them before flight!)
Added: WinWing F-16 HOTAS devices binding
Fixed: AG radar TDC drifts when aircraft has bank angle
Fixed: AA radar jamming target render bug
Fixed: C701 WHOT/BHOT gain/level cannot be remembered
Updated: EWS database

DCS: MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3

Adjusted hydraulic pressure bleed off rate with an inoperative engine.
Fixed sound crackling heard inside the cockpit.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

Fixed corrupted CoG computations after the airplane crashes and then the mission is restarted.
Minor fix in startup macro sequence lua.
Minor fix in Russian localization.

DCS AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations


WPT Offset using true bearing all the time.
EHSD DATA page: slewing with the TDC is relative to AC heading.
EHSD COURSE Delta error is miscalculated.
Cannot fire a second IRMV after the first launch.
CAS Pager: Pressing “ENT” key does not move to the next line when editing a CAS brief.
CAS Page: L/L coordinates are displayed when using UTM.
CAS Page: Now it is possible to “USE” T0 for targeting. Note: T0 is not available for “Absolute” JDAM targeting.
FIXED: bort numbers in all campaign missions
FIXED: problem with AI taxiing in M05
EHSD DATA page: Display PP UTM coordinate when in AC mode.

DCS M-2000C by RAZBAM Simulations

AP Flight path hold issues (blocked star)
Canopy model not breaking from outside
Issue with kneeboard binds
TACAN X/Y bind
crash at game start with non ASCII saved games path
Replay issue
Engine RPM stuck for 5 seconds after touchdown (preventing quick go around)
Small delay for reconnecting with neutral stick after releasing AP standby
AP ALT mode (gains, lights, gong, reengage logic)
Clock needle movement
VTH and VTB accuracy during cold start
S530D low range behavior
Autopilot (gains and logic)
AP Autotrim reworked and more reliable
AP Realistic roll law in course rejoin mode
AP ALT AFF mode standbys until capture
AP ALT AFF mode has no condition on flight path angle
AP ALT AFF mode cannot be engaged with 0 set altitude
AP ALT AFF mode more aggressive to capture altitude
Rework of IDN(HSI) look and mechanics
INS alignment sequence impacts instruments
Cockpit Model:
Added symbols to NDI Flags
Changed the NDI needle texture pattern
Changed the rotational axis of the Flags
Changed the VAD Knobs orientation 180 degrees
Changed the Mode Selector Knob rotation axis to the correct direction and alignment.
ADDED: Mission 07, additional prompt with coordinates
FIXED: Mission 08, AWACS blocking the taxiway
AP Roll angle can be overriden during an AP course rejoin
AP Course mode can make more than 180 degrees turns
AP Course change will not reverse turn if done from turn hold mode
AP APP LOC mode can compensate small CP errors
AP APP mode more efficient for capturing LOC and GLIDE
More aggressive autopilot turns
Gong when crossing selected altitude +1000ft and -300ft even with AP off
TPC/TPL tests move the control surfaces
AP test light sequence
Encoder style binds for interior lights
Sel Jet guard/toggle combo bind
Thumbwheels selectors can be changed with mouse wheel
INS alignment waypoint read happens 36s after pressing VAL

DCS MiG-19P by RAZBAM Simulations

Pump Tanks 1, 2, 3 & 4 Switches
Cockpit Heating Switch
Anti-Skid Brake System switch
Engine Starter System switch
Fire Extinguisher Power switch
Left and Right Oil Cutoff Switches
Left and Right Afterburner Cuttoff Switches
Fuel Tank 2, 3, 4 Light Test Button
Engine Fire Lamp Test Button
Left and Right Engine Fuel Cutoff Covers and Buttons
Fire Extinguisher Activation Cover and Button
TP-19 Braking Parachute Jettison Cover and Button
Left and Right Engine Start Covers and Buttons
Left and Right Engine Air Start Covers and Buttons
ARU-2V Auto/Manual Mode Selector
Long and Short Arm Manual Mode Selector
Warning Button (Just nosewards of the parachute jettison cover)
Rocket Counter Night/Day Switch
TP-156 Pitot Tube Selector
Canopy Front Anti-Freeze Button
Canopy Pressurization Switch
Canopy Lock Lever Left or Right
Right Side Flood Light
Canopy Emergency Jettison
RUFO-45 Left and Right Side Control Knobs
Cockpit Pressurization Lever
SRO-2 IFF Self Destruct Cover and Button
SRO-2 IFF Power Switch Cover and Switch
Cockpit Ventilation Open/Close Switch
DCS A-10C II Tank Killer by Eagle Dynamics
Missing Key Bind - Scorpion HMCS Power'
Added the following commands:
ON/OFF toggle command
ON, OFF, BAT positions commands
ON<>OFF and BAT<>OFF switching commands
ON/OFF toggle command
DCS Black Shark by Eagle Dynamics
Laser designator can't be repaired / checked and maintained by ground crew - fixed.
DCS Mosquito FB VI by Eagle Dynamics
Improvements to the Mosquito 3D model
Fixed paint leak in nacelle.
Added safety vents for cooling system.
Exhaust stacks are modified
Improvements to input
Reworked keyboard-driven brake handle movement to match that of the Spitfire
Reduced tail trim wheel button-driven sensitivity threefold
DCS The Channel Map
Fixed issue with Mission Generator, "create fast mission" - working now

DCS: F-5E Black Sea Resolve '79 Campaign by SorelRo:

Mission 8. AI flights tweaked.
P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

C-47 Added.
Spitfire IX The Big Show Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

C-47 Added.
DCS: Fw 190 A-8 Horrido! Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

Bomber formation fixes.
C-47 Added.
Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

Bomber formation fixes.
C-47 Added.
DCS: UH-1H Paradise Lost Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

Typos fixed in mission 1 & documentation.
Yellow bus removed from near the flight line.
Added an in flight guide pdf.
FM homing should work during the entire long count in Mission 6.
DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

Added a brand new Exposure mission with PDF.
Stock ATC disabled to avoid bugs.
f-4e Skin folder name fixed.
DCS: F-16C Red Flag 21-1 Campaign by Bunyap:

Added new ECM and HTS pods to player loadouts.
F-15C The Georgian War Сampaign by Baltic Dragon:

Mission 2: Fixed false ROE violation
Mission 9, 11: Updated position of ground units blocking AI taxi routes
The Enemy Within 3.0 Campaign by Baltic Dragon:

Mission 13: fixed issue with Uzi orbiting and shooting at the hangar instead of landing.
M-2000C Red Flag Campaign by Baltic Dragon:

Mission 05: fixed issue with wingman not taxiing behind the player.
DCS: A-10C Iron Flag Part I Campaign by Baltic Dragon:

Horizontal changes: Set Nellis ATC to "silent" in all the missions which should fix the issue with AI failing to take off behind the player. Added UHF radio presets to mission 2-10.
Mission 01: Made startup instructions optional. Moved using radio presets from M06 to M01. Fixed the issue with players not getting the shut down part.
Mission 02: Startup messages made more clear for the player. Updated ATC VOs. Updated wrong Biff's VO (HSI is "Horizontal Situation Indicator" and not "Horizontal Selection Indicator").
Mission 03: Updated messages for landing at Tonopah to make things more clear for the player.
Mission 05: Updated trigger checking player's formation during fly-over (should be easier to get 100 points now).
Mission 06: Added Mormon Mesa Departure to the kneeboard.
Mission 07: Added location of MOAPA to the kneeboard. Added additional checklists / references to the kneeboard.
Mission 08: Added additional checklists / references to the kneeboard.
Mission 09: Updated voiceovers about Mask Zone question. Fixed possible bug where mission gets stuck after TGP discussion. Added additional checklists / references to the kneeboard.
Mission 10: Added additional checklists / references to the kneeboard.
F/A-18C Serpent’s Head 2 Campaign by Badger633:

Mission 3. Winds updated, Kneeboard for Arco frequency corrected to 318, Tanker now in Racecourse pattern in case of slow plug.
F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion campaign by Badger633:

Mission 1. Kneeboard updated to make the requirement for low fly past clearer.
Mission 11. Ref to 410 corrected to 420
Mission 13. Mission fail added if enemy Helos not stopped.
DCS: A-10C Operation Persian Freedom Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims:

Mission 12. Fixed bug where Davy fails to stop attacking targets near mission end.
Mission 14. Altered engagement on task 1 to compensate for AI ground troops accuracy improvement, Fixed rare bug that allowed third JTAC task to enter a continual loop.
Mission 15. Fixed bug that allowed Davy to get shot down, Removed exploding tree from Archangel LZ, Tweaked JTAC cleared hot condition.

Re: 2.7 Update News

Posted: 04 Feb 2022, 18:52
by Neil Willis
DCS: Open Beta - Hot fix

DCS World

Voice Chat. Extra radios added to the integrated radio box.
Fixed issue with crash reporting in some cases.
Corrected a mistake in the Russian translation of the name of R-60M on APU-60-1M.
Fixed CTDs when using Damascus VOR-ILS.

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

Updated Ru localization of inputs (FA-18C, overall improvement for consistency)
Updated Ru localization of inputs (FA-18C, overall improvement for consistency, second pass; +cockpit)

DCS: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics

Tactical commander can't assign the target for AI aircraft - fixed.

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

Adjusted AIM-54 terminal guidance, significantly improving AIM-54 overall performance.

DCS: UH-1H Huey by Belsimtek

UH-1H 'Weapons Employment' training mission messages don't go away - fixed.

Re: 2.7 Update News

Posted: 07 Feb 2022, 19:48
by Neil Willis
DCS Open Beta hotfix

DCS World

Network protocol version increased to avoid crashes connected to weapons in flight during joining of clients.

Re: 2.7 Update News

Posted: 19 Mar 2022, 12:38
by Neil Willis
DCS Open Beta

Introducing DCS: AH-64D in the Early Access now!

DCS World

Added AH-64D Early Access.
Added a new FLIR rendering system for AH-64D, F-16C, F/A-18C, and A-10C/A-10C II.
Added Syria Map expansion. See below.
Added: ZBD04/ZTZ96/HQ7/PLZ05 new FLIR texture
The trigger to turn on/off the Voice Chat window can be mapped to joystick buttons
Voice Chat: added new server to support rooms/radio talks in problematic networks
Voice Chat: added master volume control for rooms and the radio. Can be changed in the Voice Chat window -> Options
Fixed DX11 render error when set S-300 SR unit.
Smoke / fire for submerged units can still be seen above the water - fixed.
Aircraft requiring a ground team cannot start when using invisible FARP - fixed.
PAI Does not Engage Ships with Kh-31A - fixed.
Added 'iCommandPlaneRefuelingReadyPreContact' command to input files of the following aircraft: A-10C, A-10C II, A-10A, F-15C, Su-33, F/A-18C, F-16C.
Inconsistent A/A TACAN behavior fixed. Tankers in old missions now get correct TACAN frequency at the beacon creation.
LUU-2B flares descend faster than they should (20 ft/s in-sim vs 8.3 ft/s per datasheet) - corrected.
Crash on mission start with an exploded unit - fixed.
Invisible FARP will not be a target for AI aircraft.
OFAB-100 Jupiter bomb. Corrected the designation to "HD".
AAR: S-3 offloads too much fuel to F-14 - fixed.
AI wingman keeps repeating '2, RTB' - fixed.
AI Fighters will not engage helicopters with missiles - fixed.
AI Kuznetsov 2017, Seawise Giant, Handy Wind have no RCS set. RCS value added.
GUI. Сan't choose player in muticrew menu if the radio widget is open - fixed.
GUI. Incorrect data on the number of units in debriefing. fix visible window - fixed.
SA-5. S-200 launcher missing texture added.
AI Air Defence. Some air defense units ignore the Interception Range setting - fixed.
Smoke effect. Multicolored smoke particles in the sky were eliminated.
Weapons. AGM-154. Improved MP sync.
ME. Allow text name for trigger flags.
ME. Mission editor does not read Transportable boolean when opening .miz file - fixed.
Neutral coalition button missing from “Choice of coalition” list - fixed.
MP Text chat. Added the ID [Allies] / [All] in text messages in chat.
AI vehicles. No longer orient themselves to fire for fire at point task and no route - fixed.
Helicopters incorrectly placed on Seawise Giant ship - corrected.
AI aircraft do not wait for Player Lead to taxi - fixed.
AI aircraft wingman, on taxi/takeoff will pass or crash into lead in some scenarios - fixed
AI aircraft. Wingmans don't take off after the player from CVN deck - fixed.
AI Kuznetsov. Player with wingmen are not given permission to take off - fixed.
AI aircraft. Unable to ripple laser guided bombs on same target - fixed.
AI helicopters. Helicopter wingman 4 collided with wingman 3 after cover command received - fixed.
AI Aircraft. Improved low level abilities, they can fly in formation around 100 feet now.
Weather effects. Sometimes the rain/snow moves horizontal at full speed, even though there is very little - fixed.
Zuni rocket. Corrected parameters to reflect those of the rocket that's used as a visual model. Corrected warhead data. Updated drag values.
Weapons. Kh-65 missile. Corrected flight params and autopilot.
Weapons. AIM-9B (GAR-8) performance correction.
Graphics. When a helicopter is off the screen (or about to get off the screen), its shadow becomes motionless: rotors are static - fixed.
ME. Tornado GR4 and IDS weapon stations overlap - corrected.
ME. BL-755 bomb is absent from Tornado GR4’s payload inventory - restored.
ATC. If a Caucasus mission was played beforehand in the same game session, ATC will keep using Caucasus airfields names - fixed.
AI aircraft. F-16 can fail to attack ground forces with Mk-84 bomb - fixed.
Scripting. Added setSpeed and setAltitude to Controller class.
Scripting. Coalition.getGroups returns dead ground groups - fixed.
Scripting. Unit.getDescentCapacity returns nil on ground vehicles - fixed.
Scripting. SSE: trigger.action.textToAll always displays a message when called - fixed.
AI aircraft. Ground hot AV-8B AI wingman don't take off from FARP - fixed.
Weapons. MICA ER performance corrected.
AI aircraft. When an AI pilot has not enough flight control authority to climb ridges due to damaged aircraft, he keeps flying straight into the mountain and does not eject - fixed.
AI aircraft. OH-58D cannot spawn from the Handy Wind - fixed.
AI aircraft. Ju-88 crashes when trying to land at Kobuleti - fixed.
Weapons. Missile engine sound fix.
Weapons. Added small craters for other surfaces for unexploded or fuzed bombs
WWII Weapons. Reworked fuze modelling of WWII bombs and containers. Fuze parameters are now set up to use real-life values. The GUI to adjust various fuze settings is in the works. Please note: after these changes some weaponry might cease to fit the roles it was performing previously (for example, the British Mk V GP will now have a 30 min fuze function delay). Bombs that will definitely have their purpose altered:
RAF 250 GP Mk V
RAF 500 GP Mk V
WWII. New FARP support vehicles added for WWII, these are the Bedford Truck and the Blitz Truck, both free with the core game.
DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics Known Release Issues
Several George as CP/G voice files are missing.
Synch of ASE indications between front and back seats in network play.
Collective min (PLC in FLY position), IGE and OGE torque power settings require further refinement.
Menu music will be coming.
In some cases, CPG NVG does not work in multicrew. In this case, re-joining the slot will help.
Rotor damage shake effect continues after the rotor has stopped.
Rotors will not be visible for CPG when joining hot aircraft
Park brake stow and release individual binds are not functioning - use the combined stow/release
Desync may occur if CPG joins during a start sequence. This can normally be resolved by the CPG leaving and rejoining the slot
Engine damage effects are WIP
Note: A hotfix is planned for soon after launch.

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

Improvements have also been made to the G-onset and Instantaneous Turn Rate. The G-onset is how fast the aircraft can generate G; previously, this rate was too slow. The ITR is the turn rate when the aircraft is either losing or gaining airspeed, rather than at a sustained airspeed. Please note that the ability of the aircraft to generate G highly depends on the aircraft’s weight, drag index, altitude, engine setting, etc.
Added datalink SPI sharing.
Added datalink Markpoint/Steerpoing sharing.
Added datalink HARM Targeting System (HTS) target sharing.
Added BDU-50LD, HD, and LGB series of training bombs.
Added “LOCK” sound for ACM radar modes.
Added Markpoint OFLY to all master modes.
Added Max TOSS Anticipation Cue for CCRP and DTOS submodes. Note: there is a known issue with the release cue.
Added Wingman ground target indication as part of a shared datalink SPI.
Fixed: ACM Slew Mode indication on the HMCS.
Fixed: DTOS. Wrong TTG on HUD.
DTOS - added WPN REL button's logic for target designation from HUD.
Fixed: FCR A2A ghost cursor when you are in FCR A2G.
Fixed: Missing slant range indication on HUD in A-G mode.
Fixed: Runway start JDAM instantly aligns when gear is up.
Fixed: HAD Cursor Bullseye is missing Bullseye range and bearing for HAD cursor.
Fixed: Helmet alignment "AZ/EL" starts wherever the helmet is pointed when M-SEL is pressed.
Fixed: SPI cue line does not clear undesignating target.
Fixed: Target box remains in HUD on A2A target when switching to A2G.
Fixed: DED Pre-Planned Bullseye Waypoint + his update.
Fixed: MSL Tone Knob doesn’t adjust tone.
Fixed: HARM post launch timer is paused when switching master mode to NAV.
Fixed: HMCS angle limit for mark points.
Fixed: Mark point behavior in CCIP / STRF and Area track.
Fixed: Mark point on HMD and waypoint do not match.
Fixed: Autopilot steering select behavior.
Fixed: Manually promoting a target will make the contact blink out sometimes.
Fixed: ACM modes never return to 10nm scan once a 5nm lock has been lost.
Fixed: Internal fuel seems off balance, induces roll.
Fixed: TEF's angle at airspeed >370K.

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed: From cold start ATC takes two presses to engage.
Fixed page 24 AGM-84 HARM -> HARPOON.
Fixed: Lost Cue behavior - Should be based on missile parameters.
Fixed: Unable to change data link channel.
Fixed: 2xGBU-38 rack cannot be jettisoned.
Fixed: HARM PLBK via AAM does not work if AGM-88 is in PB/TOO mode and HARM is selected.
Fixed: Target doesn’t have valid data when it cannot be locked.
Fixed: The requirements string in the Training is too short.
Fixed: Spin recovery format AoA stuck at -23.5 deg.
Fixed: In GMT mode, the target marker is outside the radar field of view.
Fixed: AG radar symbology layering.
Fixed: EXP options 'sticks' on the SA page when used on an A/G designation symbol.
Fixed: SEA Radar mode limited to 80 NM.
Fixed: ZTOD or LTOD and pressing ENT while the scratchpad is blank should create an error.
Fixed: Multiple course lines on HSI.
Fixed: Radar back sweep fill is violently bright.

DCS: F-5E Tiger II by Eagle Dynamics

FIxed: remains controllable without ailerons - improved accounting for damage to the outer part of the wing

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

NEW: Added ability to switch between pilot and RIO seat in Multiplayer.
NEW: Complete overhaul of the Autopilot and subsystems:
Autopilot remodeled according to real life systems and limitations.
Added functional Ground Track submode (press AP ref button to engage).
Improved autothrottle reliability and responsiveness.
Removed artificial engagement restrictions.
ATT Hold will return to within 60°bank and 30°pitch if exceeding limits.
ALT Hold will disengage if exceeding 10lbs force on pitch axis.
Future-proof modeling for greater FM flexibility.
Ignore MLC filter in PD-STT (MLC filter is only applicable to PD scanning modes).
Tweaked TWS-A illumination weighting for more rapid movement towards launched targets.
Fixed TID lower readout target items being incorrectly shown while navgrid is displayed.
Fixed IMU, AHRS, and INS drifting under active pause.
Removed radar altimeter error over water.
Fixed Instant Action Missions AI Wingman not firing on targets (Thank you Captain Dalan!)
Fixed Instant Action Missions Tacan for Case1 missions.
Fixed Instant Action Missions cold start NTTR tanker not responding.
Updated Normandy Case1 missions to use USS Forrestal.
Updated Chinese Localization.
Updated VF-33 Starfighters AB201 livery by Yae Sakura
Added LoD models for various Forrestal vehicles, improving performance:
MD3 Mule (Early)
Big Forklift

DCS: AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

Shifted the RPM indicator resulting in more accurate indications.
Adjusted drag in landing configuration to match irl performance more closely.
Cleaned old ISA deviation dependencies, preventing performance fluctuations at different heights.
Added new ISA deviation model.
Fixed RPM indicator fluctuation.
Fixed engine RPM oscillations at idle RPM both on ground and in flight.
CK-37 now shows the weapon station status in TAKT mode.
Fixed Radio PTT buttons not working properly.
Added third Radio PTT keybinding for short press to open comms menu and long press (hold) allowing transmission over VOIP.
Fixed Gyros not erecting in level flight - replaced the old pitch and roll error model with a quaternion based model
Fixed rearmed RB-75s to cause the EP13 sight to stop working.
Fixed no response from Ground Crew.
Fixed navigation coordinates updating with weight-on-nosewheel.
Fixed a bug in TimeToBeginPullUp for the ARAK sight.
Fixed AKAN pod under-/overshooting issues.
Fixed mission sound for parking brake.
Fixed and re-added not working training missions.
Added new and replaced old Cold Start Instant Action Mission for Caucasus.
Fixed countermeasure amount in campaign and IA Missions, set to 208 chaff and 72 Flares - changing the amount will break correct dispensing intervals.
RENSA cover toggles correctly when switched via key binding.
ADI flags and fuel indicator should behave properly during failures.
Fixed high pressure valve not functioning correctly.
Fixed RWR indicator lights not being visible at night
Lowered opacity of exterior canopy glass
Fixed PS-37 radar stick fix-switch functionality.
Fixed aircraft dumping all flares within seconds when pressing the quick dispense button

DCS: AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations


TPOD: target coordinates update
External Lights for AI

STOL nozzle and flap drag adjustments to reduce the amount of deceleration
ATHS F10 map target processing.

DCS: M-2000C by RAZBAM Simulations


Added : TPL/TPC test sequences
Added : CP/PD information to all waypoints on a runway
Added : CP/PD information to all LandingRefuelAr waypoints
Added : waypoint kneeboard page
Added : MIP data cartridge support (BETA)
Added : Landing gear handle sound
Added : Two RDI using the same frequency channels will interfere
Updated : BAP100 cause more damage and rolling on craters should damage aircraft
Updated : Loadout presets redone
Updated : Wiping stick required before TP tests with cold hydraulics or test fails
Updated : Bingo set to 1200 in airstart
Updated : "TAF" VTB message now on when TAF active and flashes when signal lost
Improved : Fully functional Police light
Improved : More realistic amber alarm sound
Improved : New special options menu presentation
Improved : AP pitch trimming responsiveness
Improved : AP SEL ALT capture (no more overshoot)
Improved : RWR detection by other aircraft in scan mode
VCM(RWR display) rework

Improved : New vector display
Improved : New realistic alarms
Updated : New symbology for damaged serval sensors
Updated : New symbology for DDM (X instead of bar)
Added : New jammer symbol (box around threat)
Added : New M symbol replacing cross when a TAF threat is nearby
Added : New PCM symbol replaces cross when sabre is emitting in PCM
Updated : Threat distance to center relative to lethal range

Improved : Detection model is less accurate and more realistic for azimuth and range
Updated : Contacts of same type and similar direction are seen as a single one
Updated : Damage model blinding some angles with wing or tail damage
Added : spirale program per threat type in the threat database
Added : lethal range per threat type in the threat database
SABRE/Jammer rework

Added : Square mode (automatic low power jamming with radar priority)
Added : PCM mode (automatic high power jamming with jammer priority)
Added : PCM forced panic mode triggered by the previous hotas jammer bind
DDM(MLWS) rework

Updated : DDM is now a specific Magic Pylon in rearm window instead of a ME option
Updated : Only one threat can be detected by side (sensor)
SPIRALE/ECLAIR-M (decoys) rework

Updated : Internal decoy quantities : 16 flares and 112 chaff, non interchangeable
Updated : External ECLAIR-M quantities : 6 packs of either 8 flares or 18 chaff
Updated : ECLAIR and ECLAIR-M mixes are now chosen as loadouts
Updated : flare firing directions
Fixed : Eclair pod external visibility
Added : loaded decoy quantities in the kneeboard
Added : automatic program selection (A selector position)
Added : automatic dispense on threat detection (AU mode)

Fixed : mirror not clickable in some cases
Fixed : AI wingman lights
Fixed : Canopy handle unfolded when hotstart
Fixed : SVI CCM mode
Fixed : AP Gong playing when selected altitude is below 1000ft
Fixed : rearming setting the PCA to a wrong state in some cases
Fixed : AP star HUD symbol inaccuracy
Fixed : TAF intercept course not computed in some cases
Fixed : an AP bug where adjusting course temporarily reverted roll angle

DCS: SA-342 Gazelle by Polychop Simulations

Fixed: Removed artifact left by old pilot models
Fixed: Landing light showed duplicate
Fixed: Gazelle HOT-3 and Mistral were showing gun ammo slider
Fixed: Gazelle would not create death event when destroyed
Fixed: Ministick option for camera was not working
Fixed: IR seeker did not recognise certain targets (such as AH-64)
Fixed: Asservi mode now working as intended
Fixed: Functionality of VoiP
Added: Implemented new FLIR shader
Added: Overtorque warning tones
Added: Option to remove doors on the Gazelle L
Added: Option to attach dipole antenna (aesthetic)
Added: New keybind names for VoIP
Added: Ability to bind switching seats to controllers
Added: First community liveries implemented for Cyprus, The Netherlands, France and Portugal

DCS: MiG-19P by RAZBAM Simulations

Fixed: External Lights for AI
Fixed: Exterior lights switch functionality
Updated: Power generator logic
DCS: MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3 LLC
Canopy glass texture: removed some dirt
Canopy position in multiplayer, synchronization
Improved gears suspension - less oscillations on front wheel during hard braking
Navigation: added more ground (RSBN/PRMG) stations for Syria map

DCS: JF-17 Thunder by Deka Ironwork Simulations

Added: support customized RWR symbol (see Doc\customerRWR_sample.lua)
Added: more input bindings
Fixed: wmd7 laser short lifetime issue
Fixed: SMS loadout error after rearm
Fixed: landing gear too fragile
Fixed: training missions
Updated: using new FLIR effect for pods
Updated: c802ak uses same scheme as harpoon (should fix loft bug after launch)
Updated: ground effect pitching moment
Note: if COMM2 channel 199 doesn’t work for DL, try channel 200 (Also check freq for other channels, indices are shifted by 1. Will be fixed in next update)

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

Fixed a bug in C-101 where the 2nd pilot was never killed by oxygen lack
Fixed IFR 2.1 mission (ED changed runway designator from 08 to 07)
C-101CC: R550 Magic 2 missile have got an unique lock tone sound
C-101CC: Updated Sidewinder lock tone sound
Fixed conflicting animation in the rear cockpit. It was related to the external 3D model helmet animation

DCS: Black Shark by Eagle Dynamics

DM. Player-controlled Ka-50 with a destroyed cockpit is still flyable - fixed.
Kh-25 missile delivery. Incorrect laser rangefinder and designator function corrected.
Autostop procedure has no messages - fixed.
Instant action anti ship mission syria. Ships spawned inside other ships - fixed.
DCS: Flaming Cliffs 3 by Eagle Dynamics
A-10A. Broken mission A-10A: Syria cold start replaced with new one.
F-15. Stick is not centered at the start - fixed.
DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics
Fixed: Rain drops seem oversized compared to other modules.
Fixed: SPU-8 - when communicating via intercom, the indication of the selected current radio station on the widget does not disappear
Fixed: Pedal trim does not work if FFB is enabled.
DCS: UH-1H Huey by Belsimtek
In mission 11 of the UH-1H "UN Pilot" campaign two of the UH-60s of Ford flight spawn on the same helipad on the FARP - fixed.

Yak-52 by Eagle Dynamic

Improved air-flow calculation_ss from the propeller that makes easier lifting nose gear during take-off
Improved flight dynamics for more realistic inverted aerobatic maneuvers
Encyclopedia entry is added

DCS: FW 190A-8 Anton by Eagle Dynamics

Canopy reflections reduced

DCS: FW 190D-9 Dora by Eagle Dynamics

Random engine failure while flying at cruise power levels is now fixed

DCS: P-47D Thunderbolt by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed trim controls achievable only in half of range with joystick input
Default radio frequency is changed to 124 MHz

DCS: P-51D Mustang by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed carburettor cold and warm air levers uncontrollable from keyboard and joystick

DCS: Mosquito FB Mk VI by Eagle Dynamics

Added LODs
Improvements to visualization of the propeller and the spinner
Window needs to be open to talk to ground crew

DCS: Spitfire Mk IX by Eagle Dynamics

Cockpit needs to be open to talk to ground crew

DCS: WWII Assets Pack by Eagle Dynamics

Freya and Würzburg radars can’t detect targets - fixed. See here for setup.
Bunkers have no firing sounds - fixed

DCS: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed SAM interception range setting.
Fixed - dispersed under fire for ground targets.
Remove barrel blowing effect for soldiers with RPG.
Fixed - Remove target for ground units on map F10.
Fixed - Ground units can't move out the river.
Fixed - Human controlled gr units play the sound of water and dust-effects when driving over bridges.
Added gun stabilization for M60A3
Fixed - Ground EWR does not indicate closing with target.
Fixed - Destroyed ground units plays engine sound.
Fixed - Boat motion on waves and rivers.
Fixed - fire at point task for MLRS without a route

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

Multi player JBD remain up after launch

DCS: Marianas map by Eagle Dynamics

Removed possibility to spawn helicopters in the hangar which led to crash on AI start-up procedures
The map is prepared for use in FLIR mode

DCS: Syria Map by Ugra Media

The Syria map by Ugra Media has been expanded to the east at no extra cost. This update includes:

Forward Operating Bases (FOB).
Increased map eastward by 250 km to Deir ez-Zor airbase.
Added a large section of the Euphrates River Valley in the eastern part of the map.
Added part of the territory of Iraq with H3, H3 Northwest, H3 Southwest и Ruwayshid.
Ataturk Dam and Şanlıurfa International Airport were added in Turkey.
Added an abandoned dirt airfield east of Sayqal Air Base.
Tal Siman military base located north of the city of Raqqa was added.
Added Kharab Ishk helicopter base located on the territory of Lafarge factory.
Added At-Tanf military base on Syrian-Iraqi border.
Added scenes of oil facilities in ir ez-Zor area.
Added waves at the shoreline.
Added old abandoned planes at airfields H3, Jirah, Palmyra, Rasin El Aboud, Tabqa.
This expansion was created with AH-64D operations against ISIS in mind.


P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

Mission 12 - adjusted AI so that they won't get shot down by AAA before the player arrives.
Spitfire IX The Big Show Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

Added Balloon Barrage over London.
DCS: P-47D Wolfpack Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

Fixed the Air Sea Rescue so that the mission counts as success if you are rescued.
DCS: UH-1H Paradise Lost Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

Civilian traffic forced off in certain missions
Added safeguard triggers to mission 12 due to the unreliability of the AI
Mission 9 - relaxed the safeguard for potential mortar hits
Typos corrected
Instructions improved based on user feedback
SEA Camo Yak-52 skin by Eight Ball added
DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

Added a random factor so that Hammer may be able to spot the wild card.
Mission 9 - Sniper 4 is now also immortal to SAMs.
Turned some trigger zones rectangular for more accurate triggers
Mission 11: made sure SAMs don't fire at other flights.
DCS: F-14A Fear the Bones от Reflected Simulations:

Mission 12 - player was moved to cat 3 to match the new AI launch order.
AI cat assignments reshuffled due to a recent AI launch bug.
Mission 3: Failsafe trigger added, because the AI bear sometimes can't switch to its next waypoint.
F-86F Hunters over the Yalu Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

Mission 1 - requirement for the AI to attack removed due to their unreliability. Mission will progress even if only the player attacks.
Mi-8MTV2 and Ka-50: Memory of a Hero Campaign by Stone Sky:

Mission 13 on the Mi-8 the ramp was dismantled, the weight of the fuel was reduced, the bug with the explosion was fixed
A-10C Basic Flight Training Campaign by Maple Flag Missions

BFT08 Emergencies Mission. Tweak Weather.
DCS: A-10C Iron Flag Part I Campaign by Baltic Dragon:

Mission 09. Fixed bug preventing from mission to continue during SA part.
Mission 10. Fixed possible problem with mission not continuing if Biff does not take off quickly after player.
The Enemy Within 3.0 Campaign by Baltic Dragon:

Mission 02. Updated loadout for player's wingman. Fixed issue where AI comms would overlap with radio exchange after spotting enemy.
Mission 14. Updated loadout for PL F-16s. Fixed problem with L-39s not engaging and mission not progressing.
DCS: F/A-18C Raven One Сampaign by Baltic Dragon:

Mission 02. Fixed issue with mission not progressing after AAR.
Mission 14. Set NVG as default loadout for the player.
DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion Campaign by Badger633

Missions 1, 4 – 9, 13 and 15. Tacan fixed use without AA on.
Mission 3. Sinker-Submarine note added.
Missions 6 and 8. Action of attacking Bandits adjusted.
Mission 6 voice conflict fixed.
Mission 9 420 initial orbit fixed
Mission 10 420 does not attack Helos fixed.
DCS: F/A-18C Rising Squall Campaign by INVERTED

Fixed AAR animation for M02 and M08.
In M05, when the player miss the target by use UGB, Aegis-4 will make up for it.
Added Chinese dubbing of Tutorial Campaign (English version WIP). Shoutout to @jianning for volunteering the dubbing for the tutorial campaign.
DCS: F/A-18C Serpent’s Head 2 Campaign by Badge633

Missions 1, 3, 5, 8 and 10 Tacan fixed use without AA on.
Mission 4. Stop road vehicle fail added.
Mission 5. Typo corrected and WP1 zone adjusted.
DCS: UH-1H Worlds Apart Spring 2025 Campaign by Low Level Heaven

Mission 5-2. Problem with convoy at the end of the mission solved
Mission 7. A-10 AI is doing their job now.
DCS: A-10C Operation Persian Freedom Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

M12 - Fixed bug where Davy fails to stop attacking targets near mission end.
M14 - Altered engagement on task 1 to compensate for AI ground troops accuracy improvement, Fixed rare bug that allowed third JTAC task to enter a continual loop.
M15 - Fixed bug that allowed Davy to get shot down, Removed exploding tree from Archangel LZ, Tweaked JTAC cleared hot condition.
DCS Known Issues
Master Volume control to in game voice chat window. Please note the default volume will be set to 0. You will need to click on the gear icon in the in-game window, and set the volume to desired level. This only applies when upgrading - new installs, default will be 50%

Re: 2.7 Update News

Posted: 30 Mar 2022, 15:48
by Neil Willis
DCS ... .11.22041/

Introduced new campaigns:

DCS: AV-8B Hormuz Freedom Campaign by SorelRo
DCS: F/A-18C Operation Cerberus North by Ground Pounder Sims
DCS: MAD Campaign by Stone Sky

DCS World

MP. Wingmen do not take off after the client in some cases - fixed.
Cockpit shake in multiple modules - removed.
Voice chat. Fixed changing to zero level of the master volume setting
Fixed problem with not working human-AI radio communications for many aircraft
WWII unit templates available for use in the Mission Editor again
No sounds for CV Kuznetsov - Fixed
Dust at night glows - fixed.
Weapons. Anti ship missile scheme update, Kh-35 missile issues fixed.
MP. Crash when going into cockpit after mission change - fixed.
Cockpit mirrors inoperable when flying over sea at extreme low altitude, less than 5m - fixed.
Helicopters. Rotor wash effect over water adjusted.
Restored the runway lighting.
AI. AI Aircraft will not take off after the player - fixed.
AGM-88. Missile not aiming at radiating target. - fixed
ME. Weather presets disappear if no cloud preset is selected - fixed.

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics

Added Input command "Trimmer - Reset" , use LCtrl+T to reset trimmer position of cyclic stick and pedals to center
Added SCAS status indication
Fixed: TADS desync from CPG LMC use/Hellfires missing targets in TRAJ other than DIR in multicrew
Fixed crashes in avionics, weapons and AI
Fixed: TADS desync in multicrew
Fixed: Lasing desync in multicrew
Fixed: Hellfire can't detect laser in MP
Fixed: AI George not taking LOAL shots
Fixed: Repair procedure
Fixed: CPG could WAS but not seeing Hellfires loaded on the weapons page
Fixed: Rotors missing on FLIR and TV TADS display
Fixed: Gun missing recoil animation
Fixed: Laser is disabled on UTIL page when hotstart in multicrew
Fixed: AI George does not track target and drifts
Fixed: Cold start unable to activate RLWR on ASE UTIL page
Fixed: Pilot engaging PNVS disables CPG TADS control in multicrew
Fixed: Searchlight isn't synchronized in multicrew (Pilot enables searchlight, operator see only moving but doesn't see light itself).
Fixed: Wheel brake state isn't synchronized in multicrew
Fixed: Radio interference is heard when connecting CPG after cold start in multicrew
Fixed: George as CPG - George stuck in loop WAS'ing missiles
Fixed: Park Brake Stow & Park brake pull binds do not work
Fixed: EUFD. Can't swap radio freq in some case
Fixed: AI misuses anti-collision lights and landing light
Fixed: AI CPG sometimes forgot target position when slaving
Fixed: Sometimes AI CPG TADS follows the PLT HMD reticle
Fixed: Wheel rotation stops on the opposite side from the brake being used
Fixed: Unable to set auto-range on guns during engagement
Fixed: Backup artificial horizon doesn't uncage when cold and dark
Fixed: Rope length is an option in the editor but not needed for AH-64D
Fixed: Weight remains on Helo when fuel tanks removed
Fixed: Symbology select switch depress
Fixed: Players don't see NVG on other players' helicopters in MP
Fixed: CMWS audio volume & lamp knobs axis do not work
Fixed: Multi monitor users and george AI menu location
Fixed: Symbology select switch depress for pilot changes CPG screen also

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed: FCR OVRD and change master mode
Fixed: Ripple 6 - 12 snake eye with 10 ft spacing explode behind the aircraft

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed: AIM-9X and the WACQ radar mode can lock onto targets beyond 10nm
Fixed: Concatenated RU text in Hornet SC missions

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

Marshall stack works incorrect

DCS: P-47 Thunderbolt by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed bug with the light cone from the landing light
Gunsight on the P-47-30 (early) model is updated for the external view

DCS: F-5E Tiger II by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed: Damage on destroyed inner wing not spread to other wing sections

DCS: Marianas map by Eagle Dynamics

Improvements to the visualization of map in the FLIR mode
Fixed possibility to use kneeboard images on the map
Fixed too dark shadows on the banyan tree

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

Fixed: a temp solution to improve MFCD readability when moving map is on (Thanks, J20Stronk, for the idea)
Fixed: should fix battery switch random malfunction issue in MP
Fixed: c701 seeker now needs SMS power on to start BIT and turns on camera after alignment is done. If born in air, c701 is ready to use, and no need BIT as before.
Fixed: LSS cannot detect laser spots in MP.

DCS: SA-342 Gazelle by Polychop Simulations

Fixed: Remove doors option through ground crew now only available to the SA342L
Fixed: Typo in Portuguese Community Livery

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

Fixed bombs arming logic. If fuze is not armed bombs can be dropped and they do not explode
IR missiles are now functional again after in-game rearming
DCS: Black Shark by Eagle Dynamics
Added high speed vibration effect in the cockpit.

DCS: Combined Arms

Player controllable unit dynamics - adjusted.

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

Fixed Multiplayer Seat Switching not working.
Added new DCS FLIR mechanics.
Improved heading hold.
Fixed trim-lock when disengaging during CSS.
Fixed trim-lock on spawn.
Fixed AP engaged on ground start, resulting in trim-lock.
Fixed AP not working with FFB.
Fixed Maneuver Flaps not working outside of standard altimeter pressure.
Fixed several issues with Iceman.
Fixed typo on VDI labels for trim and brightness: VSDI->VDI.
Fixed JESTER camera near clipping issue.
Updated several IA Missions to the latest version.
Updated CN localization.

DCS: AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

Fixed engine oscillations at ground idle below 0°C.

DCS: AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations

DMT designation
AG gun pipper too low
Data slew not fixed for keyboard slew
ODU bomb interval input
FLIR video for all displays

DCS: M-2000C by RAZBAM Simulations

Updated : MIP list refreshes during rearm
Added DTC text file format for MIPs (BETA)
Fixed MIP next/previous bind and mouse
Updated : Auto decoy release only upon launch threat
Disabled decoy release on the ground
Disabled TPC/TPL test in flight

DCS: MiG-19P by RAZBAM Simulations

Updated: roll inertia rules
Updated: R-3S launch limitations

Re: 2.7 Update News

Posted: 06 Apr 2022, 18:48
by Neil Willis
Change log for v2.7.122211 Beta

DCS World

In some cases, when trying to select an audio file in the file-browser, the OK button did not work, the file was not selected. Fixed.
Weapons. Fixed a crash that occurs when a munition impacts certain map objects.
All ME "In Mission" Picture Options - Unable to select Images. Fixed file extension checking.
Crash that has been caused by the SCUD destruction during the alignment to the horizon - fixed.

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed:Laser designation by JTAC and using NVG goggles can create artifact.
Fixed: Cold start Boost Pump Failure.
Fixed: At high temperatures (29℃), engine does not start.

DCS: AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations

Fixed: Crash with Maverick launch.