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Name on multiplayer server

Posted: 11 Jan 2015, 12:37
by Chilts
This is just an idea, but having realised how quick and easy it is to change our name/callsign on the multiplayer server (just hit options - type new name - hit back), I'd like to suggest that when on there we use our RAFUK number alongside our name. (Eg. 34-Keith for me)

To be fair this is not entirely my idea, I got the inspiration from Jim, but as we seem to be using ATC more it makes using F10 easier.

Equally, it might be worth considering adopting a similar idea for missions eg. 34-keith Tiger 4 Etc.

Just my thoughts - what do you think?


Re: Name on multiplayer server

Posted: 11 Jan 2015, 14:09
by Dave Demontis
Hi Keith i`ve already done mine as it seemed the logical thing to do
and is a prerequisite for identifying your self in any tracks for flight training
purposes .

Re: Name on multiplayer server

Posted: 11 Jan 2015, 14:26
by Danny
Makes perfect sense, done mine too

Re: Name on multiplayer server

Posted: 11 Jan 2015, 15:32
by Neil Willis
Yep, excellent discovery.

I will rename all the squadron aircraft on the base mission master template once I have up to date orbats from the Squadron Leaders, so everyone has their own aircraft.

Re: Name on multiplayer server

Posted: 11 Jan 2015, 16:30
by Simon.Collier
Great idea, done mine too